Dr Howard Barnes
  • Male
  • Cornwall
  • United Kingdom
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Dr Howard Barnes's Friends

  • Vsevolod Malakhov
  • Rev.Pastor Surya Raju Mattimalla
  • Vice Chancellor  Dr Eliah Mauza
  • Pastor Rao
  • John Sammuel
  • Pastor Charles Oduor Munara
  • Rev. Moses Aderanti Adejare
  • imran sajjad
  • Shagufta
  • Rev Jason Musoke
  • Pstr Mary Lusambo
  • Bishop Michael O. Peter
  • Apostolic Faith
  • peter Ndungu Mwangi

Dr Howard Barnes's Page

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Howard Barnes was born in England in 1944 to Salvation Army pastor parents. After secondary education he went to university and studied Theology and subsequently become a Secondary School teacher and served in several London schools as the Head of Divinity. During these years he also was a youth leader and then served as a pastor of a local church in Cornwall, England. In 2003 he retired from teaching, after 37 years’ service, to take up a position as director of an evangelistic ministry called Harvest for Christ but in 2008 he became Co-director of Time Out Mission International and more recently director of The Body and the Bride Network Ministry International (UK).
These last two ministries which he co-directed with his close friend and ministry colleague, Michael Pike (Apostle), were deeply passionate about two things. 1) to see the worldwide Church discover the meaning of real unity and so fulfill the prayer of Jesus in Jn 17 v 21 and 23 ….“that they may be One even as we are One” and 2) to understand and embrace its end-time identity as the precious Bride of Christ and to prepare her for the coming Bridegroom King.
These experiences have paved the way for the creation of this new ministry called The Call2Come which, while still holding to these emphasis, calls the Church to prepare Herself as His precious Bride and so position Herself to cry the prayer that only the Bride can¬ pray. It is only the “Spirit and the Bride” that can cry Come.
Howard has received two honorary doctorates in recognition of his mission and reconciliation/peace work in over 70 nations around the world. He is also an official representative for Foundations for Biblical Farming (FFF) which comes out of Zimbabwe, Africa and for the World Prayer Assembly (WPA). He is a regular speaker at international church conferences and operates under an apostolic mantel.
He has been married to Tricia for 50 years who was herself a music teacher, and they have two lovely married children and four beautiful grandchildren. He is both a musician and a gifted artist.
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Dr Howard Barnes's Blog

A meditation and a prayer for all those in Pakistan and Kenya who suffered this week.

Posted on September 26, 2013 at 1:41am 0 Comments

24 September, 2013 

"It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last". Luke 23:44-46

These famous words are usually only associated with Jesus when He was on the cross. In fact they were first spoken by King David. It was the…


The 'Aloneness' of God ....... An extract from my book 'The Bride of Christ - Our Lost Identity'

Posted on August 7, 2013 at 3:20pm 0 Comments

The ‘aloneness’ of God

Some time along my journey of discovery about the Bride of Christ and the Bridegroom King, I came to realise that the triune God, in their humility and wisdom had placed within their character a vulnerability that made them so much more accessible to all His creation. God had put the ability for Him to experience ‘aloneness’ within His being.

Aloneness is not to be confused with loneliness for God is never lonely. The relationship between…


"Teach me Your ways oh Lord".

Posted on August 7, 2013 at 3:16pm 0 Comments

Moses said….“Now, if I've found favour in your sight, please show me your ways so I may know you”.  Ex 33 v 13

David said….”Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.”  Psalm 86:11

Both Moses and King David went beyond a determination to sincerely obey what God commanded them to do; they became students of God's ways. His ways were not just His acts. His ways were about the ‘way’ he acted and the…


The Bride of Christ - Our Lost Identity

Posted on June 24, 2013 at 3:51pm 0 Comments

The Bride of Christ - Our Lost Identity

Purpose of this message is to present a scriptural rationale for the belief that the Bride is

1.    the central theme of Scripture

2.    the focus and culmination of all natural history and

3.    the true identity of the Church



We are living…


Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 9:25pm on January 19, 2014, Benjamin Edwards gave Dr Howard Barnes a gift
At 9:24pm on January 19, 2014, Benjamin Edwards gave Dr Howard Barnes a gift
At 8:31pm on January 19, 2013, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…

Happy Birthday Dr. Barnes! May our LORD bless you today and always. I pray you have a wonderful birthday. Sincerely and For His Glory, Dr. Henry

At 2:46pm on October 3, 2012, Pastor Dr Tanveer Masih Bhatti said…

dear brother Dr Howard Barnes i recived the from i sending you quickly but please prayer for me and my Team.
God Bless you.
Ur Bro in Jesus.
Pastor Tanveer M.Th.D / M

At 3:33pm on April 9, 2012, Pstr Mary Lusambo said…

Brother Howard, it is good to meet you here again. I have been reading your postings on BFTF & been blessed always. I am glad that you have the Heart for the restoration of African Churches. You remember our discussion on BFTF concerning the "Dependancy Syndrome" of the African Churches on the Western Churches? We need to see :The Hardworking Africa; self-reliant Continent. But you need to help us attain this.

I have seen that you arr speakers at BFC in Cameroon. I shall be there! God willing I am praying to meet you and speak to you concerning what I see for the African Church. God Bless You

At 5:17am on March 30, 2012, APOSTLE ALPHONCE OSANO said…

That is realy great for what God is doing with you in Britain and to many nations of the World. I have been praying for men of God whom God has called to do His work there, that they may be anointed in higher level to help uplift the spirituality in that land. Infact three items you have your ministry are mejor vital ones. Please Barnes, do not give up my friend, continue pressing on, pressing on. And may God bless you

At 3:40am on June 24, 2011, BISHOP JL ARY said…
At 11:36pm on April 19, 2011, Pastor Elisha said…
From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16

The love of God at Easter
is there for all to see-
He died for us and rose again
and won the victory!
God bless you with His peace & joy at Easter
At 4:13am on March 27, 2011, Pastor Dr Tanveer Masih Bhatti said…
Dear Brother  i am pastor tanveer masih bhatti from karachi pakistan .we would like you com in karachi pakistan and Preach the National pastor Conferance in karachi pakistan.we are prayers for you and your ministry.May God Bless you.Amen
At 2:35pm on March 05, 2011, REV. KWAME ABURAM ANOFF gave Dr Howard Barnes a gift

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