Bishop August S. Francis's Blog – July 2013 Archive (15)

Remnant Church Bible Institute - First Things First, Chapter 3 Lesson 3

We invite you to become a part of Remnant Church Bible Institute.

RCBI is an online and physical Bible Institute dedicated to helping to prepare people who are serious about ministry.  We believe that Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit told us to prepare others in the Body of Christ for working the ministry…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 31, 2013 at 4:42pm — No Comments

Tell Them Broadcast - "The Inconvenience Of Feeling"

Being a witness is difficult enough without "feeling" stuff.  Sometimes the martyrdom of living for Jesus is that you can feel the pain when people are going the wrong way.  Sometimes its the feeling of being talked about, ridiculed and accused of things you are not guilty of.  Maybe your hurt is in being misunderstood.…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 30, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Tell Them Broadcast - "How Do We Get To Do The Stuff?"

We want to "do the stuff"!  We want to see the power of the Lord work through our lives!  But, if the power starts working without an understanding of the necessary "how", we could be in deep trouble.

Jesus looks at more than just what we do but, HE looks at the "why".  Our motives are important to HIM, our loyalty and love…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 29, 2013 at 10:03am — No Comments

Tell Them Outreach Broadcast Saturday, July 27, 2013

We must get past our "precious" opinions of people, colors, wealth levels, etc., etc.  Jesus did not and does not give space for us to segregate who we minister the Gospel to, we have no selection process.  The Word is clear, "...preach the Gospel to every creature".

It took repeated visions and the voice of the Lord to make…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 27, 2013 at 11:14am — No Comments

Remnant Church Bible Institute - First Things First, Chapter 3 Lesson 1

The Next Lesson from Remnant Church Bible Institute.  Become a part of RCBI.  Contact us at:

Remnant Church Bible Institute ( ) First Things First - Chapter 3 Lesson 1 at…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 25, 2013 at 7:52pm — No Comments

Tell Them Broadcast - "The Inconvenience Of Friends And Family"

We deal with the overall subject of "Reach The Lost, At Any Cost".  This has been our Tuesday subject for some time.  Then we added a sub topic of "I Don't Want To Put You Out".  This deals with the way in which the Lord will rearrange our lives to accomplish HIS will.  The changes that HE makes in us are difficult to the flesh nature of man.…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 23, 2013 at 11:46am — No Comments

Tell Them Broadcast - "Put Your Weight On HIM"

We want to "do the stuff", we want to "get off our blessed assurance!  We want to work the works of God, as some put the question to Jesus.  We need a formula.

Many times we do want to accomplish the will of the Lord, but we move in our own strength.  We want to do the stuff, as John Wimber put it, but this must be…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 22, 2013 at 12:50pm — No Comments

Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, July 20, 2013 - Bishop William K. Mackie on Prayer

There are so many of us that want revival.  But revival does not come on the coattails of an evangelist, nor does it come just because we want it.  Prayer is a very important part of the process.  Prayer prepares us and the "ground".

Then, we must continue in prayer to continue to be ready and see the Lord…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 21, 2013 at 10:29am — No Comments

"I Don't Want To Put You Out Of Your Racial Comfort Zone"

Being a Christian is inconvenient and the will of the Lord will "put you out".

There are constantly things that the Lord will ask us to do that go against the grain of who we think we are.  When HE told these Jewish persons to go to Samaria, HE knew that he was telling them to lay their normal lives down to go to people who…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 16, 2013 at 10:39am — No Comments

You Can't Do The Stuff Until You Believe ON HIM! Part 1

"Getting The Church Ready To Get Off Its Blessed Assurance"  We have been speaking about "When Are We Gonna Do The Stuff?"  But we can't do anything, the right way, until we ARE something.  And we can't be anything without a relationship!

Listen to this series and, prayerfully,…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 15, 2013 at 10:08am — No Comments

The Inconvenience Of Being A Witness! 7/9/13

The instructions that Jesus gave to us are not convenient, in our flesh.  He will instruct us to do things that are "out of our comfort zone".  The act of repentance is "out of our comfort zone".

Then, we have the joy of the promise, the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  But even that has a "catch".  The Holy Spirit was…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 9, 2013 at 10:06am — No Comments

Tell Them Outreach Broadcast, July 7, 2013 - Bishop William K. Mackie

Prayer - Communication with the one who created us and created all.  What a privilege!

What a privilege that we take so lightly.  Some people pray but don't believe HE will listen or answer.  Some pray and don't believe that HE is willing to answer.  He will talk with you, if you…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 7, 2013 at 8:34am — No Comments

Who Are You Calling A Creature? Part 2

Jesus told us to preach the Gospel to every creature, according to the King James version.  Some folks are so convinced that they are the only ones who are right, they view others as creatures.

When it came to HIS disciples, Jesus was ready.  HE sent Peter a message.  HE is sending a message to…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 6, 2013 at 11:03am — No Comments

Remnant Church Bible Institute - First Things First, Lesson 2 Part 1

We continue in the teaching of Remnant Church Bible Institute.  This is our first core course, "First Things First" by Russel A. Board.

Your Instructor - Bishop August S. Francis, D.Min.; PhD…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 3, 2013 at 8:53pm — No Comments

I Don't Want To Put You Out!? Part 2

The inconvenience of being a witness is something we don't like to consider.

We live in a world where the main focus in the "church" is to come up with the best formula of how to get God to give us what we want.  We say we want "God's will", as long as "God's will" is for me to prosper.  While we have church, people are…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on July 2, 2013 at 10:04am — No Comments

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