Please watch any of the following videos and comment as you like.

The Way Of Peace Part 1
Hearing and following the Lord's voice.
Click here for the video

The Way Of Peace Part 2
Hearing and following the Lord's voice.
Click here for the video

Are You Truly Born Again?
Do you really know what it means to be born again?
Click here for the video

Law And Grace
What does it mean to be under Grace and not under the Law?
Click here for the video

Salvation Part 1
What does it mean to be saved from sin?
Click here for the video

Salvation Part 2
How to live according to the Spirit.
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Salvation Part 3
A deeper look at living according to the Spirit. False peace and false guilt.
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Salvation Part 4
The Once Saved Always Saved doctrine of Eternal Security.
Click here for the video

The Rapture Part 1
A simple look at the Rapture.
Click here for the video

The Rapture Part 2
The difference between the Great Tribulation and the Day Of The Lord.
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The Rapture Part 3
Will Jesus come at any moment, like a thief, and surprise believers? What does it mean to watch?
Click here for the video

Speaking In Tongues Part A
A close look at 1 Cor. 13:8-13.
Click here for the video

Speaking In Tongues Part B
Answering some common objections to the cessation of Tongues, Prophecy & Knowledge.
Click here for the video

Speaking In Tongues Part C
Further comments on the cessation of Tongues, Prophecy & Knowledge.
Click here for the video

Speaking In Tongues Part 1
Is the gift of speaking in tongues for today?
Click here for the video

Speaking In Tongues Part 2
What does 'face to face' mean in 1 Cor. 13:12 and why is a mirror mentioned?
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Speaking In Tongues Part 3
The purpose of tongues.
Click here for the video

Christians And Demons
Can a Christian be influenced by demons?
Click here for the video

Are You A Saved Or An Unsaved Believer?
Many churchgoers know the Bible and all about Jesus, but they are unsaved.
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Born Again, What Does It Really Mean?
There is a great deal more to being born again than a simple salvation prayer.
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Once Saved Always Saved
Can a person lose their salvation or do they have eternal security?
Click here for the video

How Do We Know If We Are Saved?
1 John 5:13 says that we can know that we have eternal life? How can we know?
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How To Be Saved
The Bible reveals how to get right with God and be sure of heaven.
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Are You A Living Sacrifice?
Romans 12:1 says to offer your body as a living sacrifice. Have you done that?
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What should happen at baptism? Why should we be baptised?
Click here for the video

Christian Perfection
Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. What does perfect mean?
Click here for the video

The Rapture And The Great Tribulation Part 1
Will the church be raptured and escape The Great Tribulation?
Click here for the video

The Rapture And The Great Tribulation Part 2
The difference between the Great Tribulation and God's Wrath.
Click here for the video

The Rapture And The Great Tribulation Part 3
Who is the Restrainer of 2 Thess. 2:7?
Click here for the video

The Rapture And The Great Tribulation Part 4
"One will be taken and the other left". Is this the Rapture?
Click here for the video

Jesus' Second Coming
What are the two big events of Jesus' return?
Click here for the video

Is The Rapture Imminent?
Can the Rapture occur at any moment?
Click here for the video

Coming Like A Thief
"The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night" (1 Thess. 5:2). Will the Lord surprise the saved or the unsaved?
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Faith And Works
What is the difference between faith and works?
Click here for the video

Grieving The Spirit
How do believers grieve the Holy Spirit?
Click here for the video

Christians And Judging
Is it right for Christians to judge?
Click here for the video

Love One Another!
When Jesus said to love one another, He was giving a command, not an option.
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Paul The Sinner?
Paul cannot be used as an excuse for our sin as he was a well sanctified man.
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"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful" (Col. 4:2). Download eight free books on prayer by E M Bounds.
Click here for the video

Seeking Jesus
Why do you seek Jesus? What does He require of us?
Click here for the video

Sinless Perfection
Can a believer be sinlessly perfect?
Click here for the video

The Calvary Road
Download a wonderful, free book on the Holy Spirit, holiness and the peace of God.
Click here for the video

The Holy Spirit
Why do we have the Holy Spirit? What does it mean to walk in the Spirit?
Click here for the video

The Peace Of God
How is God's peace different from the world's peace?
Click here for the video

The Power Of Sin
Man is simply a slave to sin.
Click here for the video

Why Did Jesus HAVE To Die?
"Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" (Heb. 9:22).
Click here for the video

Views: 22


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