Getting to The Root of Our Problem: Sickness - Session 4 - Part C

I. What Word Says About Sickness: Session 4 - Part C

3.  Body Reflects Soul or Spirit State – Session 4 – Part C

Since we are complete beings, whatever is going on in our soul or spirit will reflect in our body. The state (mindset) we are in will show in our body; it will show whether we are walking in the flesh or the spirit. If we are living out of our soul or being led by Holy Spirit, will be exemplified by our actions; we either walk by faith or by sight – you cannot do both.

I repeat again, Isaiah 53:4-5 lets us know Jesus has already bore in His body our sins, sicknesses, diseases, infirmities, afflictions, and anything else that would EVER come against us! That is why Isaiah 54:17 says, nothing that comes to fight against us, will succeed (New Living Version – NLV)! We CANNOT be stopped from living in total freedom Jesus has given us; unless WE stop ourselves. Jesus died so we could have life and not ordinary life but abundant life (John 10:10).

4.  Freed from ALL Bondages – Session 4 – Part C

The work Jesus did on cross, caused us to be free from all bondages; sickness, disease, infirmities, and anything else the devil throws at us! As I said before, all we have to do is trust Jesus’ finished work and fight the good fight of faith! If we don’t have faith in God, we will receive nothing from Him! We MUST BELIEVE His Word; we ARE healed! John 8:36 tells us that whom the Son sets free, is free indeed; no ifs, ands, or buts!

Therefore, sickness just as sin, no longer have a right to be in our lives since we are free (Romans 6)! Just as we believe Jesus died to deliver us from sin, we must believe Jesus died to deliver us from sickness and disease. Jesus’ body was broken so we could be healed and His blood was shed to deliver us from sin! We are TOTALLY made whole in EVERY area of our lives; NOTHING LACKING,  NOTHING  BROKEN,  NOTHING MISSING in  our lives! Jesus said it was finished so it is finished ( John 19:28-30). We MUST stand on the Word of God and not allow ANY weapon of the enemy to stay in our lives! Sickness, disease, infirmities, and anything else that comes to stop us, are weapons the enemy uses against us; we must not give place to the devil or allow him to gain a foothold in our lives! Jesus has delivered us from the power of sin and it’s affects so those things should not be attaching themselves to our body! We MUST rise up and take the authority (walk in it) that Jesus has given us!

Click here for PDF version of S4 Part C

I am agreeing with you all that God will do ALL that needs to be done in you all! That God heals you all spirit, soul, and body; nothing missing, nothing broken, and nothing lacking in you all's life!

God bless you all,

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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