Scriptures: Revelation 21:5; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:1-7, 10-11;

Isaiah 43:18; Ephesians 4:22-24

Revelation 21:5 – ( – Amplified)

And He Who is seated on the throne said, See! I make all things new. Also He said, Record this, for these sayings are faithful (accurate, incorruptible, and trustworthy) and true (genuine).

2 Corinthians 5:17 – ( – Amplified)

Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new.

Galatians 2:20 – ( – Amplified)

I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me.


Romans 6:1-7,10-11 – ( – Contemporary English V...

1 What should we say? Should we keep on sinning, so that God’s wonderful kindness will show up even better? 2 No, we should not! If we are dead to sin, how can we go on sinning? 3 Don’t you know that all who share in Christ Jesus by being baptized also share in his death? 4 When we were baptized, we died and were buried with Christ. We were baptized, so that we would live a new life, as Christ was raised to life by the glory of God the Father. 5 If we shared in Jesus' death by being baptized, we will be raised to life with him. 6 We know that the persons we used to be were nailed to the cross with Jesus. This was done, so that our sinful bodies would no longer be the slaves of sin. 7 We know that sin doesn’t have power over dead people.


10 When Christ died, he died for sin once and for all. But now he is alive, and he lives only for God. 11 In the same way, you must think of yourselves as dead to the power of sin. But Christ Jesus has given life to you, and you live for God.


Isaiah 43:18 – ( – Contemporary English Version)

The Lord said: Forget what happened long ago! Don’t think about the past.

Ephesians 4:22-24 – ( – Contemporary English Ve...

22 You were told that your foolish desires will destroy you and that you must give up your old way of life with all its bad habits. 23 Let the Spirit change your way of thinking 24 and make you into a new person. You were created to be like God, and so you must please him and be truly holy.

Romans 6: 4-5 lets us know, we died when Christ died and rose from the dead in newness of life, when He rose. That’s why when we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, we are “born again;” the new birth cannot and will not happen without accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior – He is the ONLY way to the Father (John 14:6: Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” – – NLT).


Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:1-8a:

3 Jesus replied, “I tell you for certain that you must be born from above (Greek – “in a new way”) before you can see God’s kingdom!” 4 Nicodemus asked, “How can a grown man ever be born a second time?” 5 Jesus answered: I tell you for certain that before you can get into God’s kingdom, you must be born not only by water, but by the Spirit. 6 Humans give life to their children. Yet only God’s Spirit can change you into a child of God. 7 Don’t be surprised when I say that you must be born from above. 8 Only God’s Spirit gives new life...” ( – Contemporary English Version).


Romans 6:6 tell us that our old self was nailed to the cross with Christ (we were crucified when Christ was crucified – Galatians 2:20) and we are no longer slaves to sin. Romans 6:7 goes on to let us know why we are no longer a slave to sin: “We know that sin doesn’t have power over dead people.”

Romans 6:10-11 lets us know when Christ died, He died to sin once and for all (“ending His relation to it”) and the life He lives is to the Father (“in unbroken fellowship with Him”). Therefore, we are dead to sin (our relation to it is broken) and we are alive to God (we live in unbroken fellowship with Him) in Christ Jesus (as Christ is so are we – we are joint heirs with – Romans 8:14-17)! As long as we remain IN Christ, we will have unbroken fellowship with God our Father!

It is imperative that we know who we are IN (joint heirs to ALL God’s promises – greatest promise is to live eternally with the Father!) and THROUGH (cannot come to the Father without Christ – must go through Him – Christ is our Mediator) Christ!

In closing, I suggest you read the complete chapter of Romans 6 and ask God to give you the revelation of who YOU are in and through Christ!

Click Here For PDF Version - Part 2

“Moving Forward” by Ricardo Sanchez & Free Chapel

****Click to accept Christ as YOUR personal Lord & Savior****


May the peace of God guard your hearts and minds ALWAYS!!! 

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks


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