
I am Wicklife Jeremiah Omendah. I am a pastor and a church planter; I also take care of 36 orphans in my community who live and it from my house. I have also started an Academy for Orphans and street Kids where we educate more than 250 orphans and needy kids.

Why a pastor and church planter

My community believed greatly in African traditions and witchcraft till God confirmed to me on 28/08/2001 while I was in high school that, he was calling me as a missionary to my community. After my o-level education in 2002, I started evangelism program in my community and region. We have been walking on foot all around the community, and region spreading the gospel of Jesus.

To date: I have by Gods grace planted five churches in my region and one in Nairobi and another in the coastal town of Voi. We have also started several evangelism programs in our region.

Why take care of orphans

Due to traditional practices of wife inheritance in this community, HIV- AIDS has killed many parents leaving several orphans parentless. So I and my thirty six Orphans rely on agriculture and well wishers to get food. We are trusting God for more land to improve our food production to avoid reliance on well wishers.

There is no school in our vicinity. In order to help other hundreds of orphans in this community access some education; I started an academy where I and other older orphans and well wishers help in teaching the community orphans during the day.

My request to you

I would love your prayer team to pray for schooling, health and other needs of the orphans under my care. Finally, I want to ask you and your church members to visit us and also send short time or long time volunteers to come and help reach more for Christ here.

Attached is my resume you can go through it and probably ask me for more information

In God’s Vine Yard

Brother Wicklife Jeremiah Omendah

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