Dearly Beloved,


“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him” (1 John 3:1 NKJV).

King David was such a loving father. He loved his children so much that he did not want any harm to befall them, even when the children were wayward and sought his life. The case of Absalom is a good example of this. Here was a son who wanted to overthrow his father and did not even care if the father was dead (see 2 Samuel 15). In spite of this, David still cared for him and commanded his army commanders to take care of the life of Absalom in the ensued civil war (see 2 Samuel 18:5). David wept bitterly when he learnt about the eventual death of Absalom and wished that he (David) had died in place of Absalom (see 2 Samuel 18:28-33). What a great love of a father!

However, there is a greater love demonstrated by our heavenly Father. God, the Creator of the Universe loves man so much that He made him the crown of His creation. He made man to have dominion over every created being (see Genesis 1:28-30; Psalm 8:5-7). In spite of this, man disobeyed God and fell out of favour with God. God cast man out His garden (see Genesis 3). However, God quickly began a way of salvation for man (Genesis 3:15, 21). Although man continued his waywardness (Genesis 6:5-7), God did not abandon man totally. He still preserved a remnant in person of Noa and renewed His covenant with man (Genesis 9). God called Abraham out of his kindred and established a nation through his descendants. “From this man’s descendants God has brought to Israel the Savior Jesus, as he promised” (Acts 13:23 NIV). Jesus Christ came to the world and paid the ultimate sacrifice for man’s sin. As caring and loving Father, God did all these when man continued to be wayward. Apostle Paul summarized it thus: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NIV. See also John 3:16; 15:13; Romans 3:5; 5:6-7; 8:39; 1 John 4:10). Every one who believes in Jesus Christ is giving the right to become a child of God (see John 1:11-13). No wonder, Apostle John could exclaim: “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1 NKJV). What a greater love of our heavenly Father!

The heavenly Father has demonstrated such great love for us even while we do not deserve it. Have you appropriated that love into your life by receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord? As a father, do you love your children in spite of who they are or what they are doing to you?

Happy Father’s Day!

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).


Prayer Point: Pray that fathers will be able to love their children in spite of all odds.


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