You would be remembered for how you lived your life not how you preached. Your life is the greatest message, not your words. If the devil succeeds in getting you to compromise your values, it doesn't matter what you preach, he has attacked your real message. 

People are not changed by what you preach, but by the measure of your life released through your message. Christ life is what we call the gospel;, not his message- his message was a reflection of his life. His message could not save humankind that's why he gave his life and his life gave credence to his message.

Listen young man! It's all about how you live, not how you preach. We have a generation of preachers who careless about their way of life but are so obsessed about preaching engagements. To such ministers, immorality is no longer a sin. The "sleep" around with ladies, but still mount the pulpit, preach, and release fake prophecies to their ignorant congregation. Some even go as far as keeping their sin partners in their hotel rooms while there are on the pulpit preaching. After their pulpit display, they return to their sin bed and back to the pulpit. Who are we fooling, God or the people? 

The J-Day is coming, I'm not talking about the final Judgement day, God's won't wait for that day. The Esau's will soon meet with their doomsday except the change direction. Those who have ears should hear! DrBenard Etta

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