Bishop Sunday Uahomo's Comments

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At 8:53pm on July 25, 2022, Rev Dr Howard Sands said…

I see you love God’s kingdom, I am an Australian minister, author and missionary to Africa & other places, let's connect as friends, I have sent you a friend request. Please check my profile for more info. I have a lot more to share. I believe we can be a blessing to each other.

At 4:29pm on May 15, 2014, Rev. Michael Lasidzi said…
Greetings bishop. I hope the lord will work out good from our friendship. Amen
At 10:43am on March 26, 2014, Nsikak David said…
Happy birthday to you dear Man Of God. May Gods grace and mercy be multiplied to you now and always in Jesus name. Amen
At 1:46am on May 29, 2013, Isaiah Thomas Jie said…

Thanks for be my friend. Pls pray for me and my ministry here. God bless.

At 7:01am on April 20, 2013, Cajetan Emmanuel Sixtus Abagi said…

Bishop it is great to be friends with you, to labor in His vineyard. Hoping to tap more anointing from you for effective here in Ghana. Amen

At 8:54pm on March 25, 2013, Apostle Charles Louis-Egbuchiem said…

Happy Birthday my dear brother Bishop Uahomo. How are you doing sir, I hope the Lord's grace, glory and presence are abiding abundantly with you. I rejoice greatly with you and your family on this occasion of your birthday. Stay blessed, anointed and lifted! Congratulations!!!!!

At 11:25pm on November 29, 2012, Geoffrey Ouma Okoko said…

I greet you Servant of God Almighty. May His Favor grace the work of ministry flowing through you. Be so Blessed. Amen

At 5:30am on November 24, 2012, Prof. Bank-Ola, Steve said…

Sir I am indeed honoured to have you on my network and thank you for having me too. May the Lord keep you, your ministry  and  increase his grace upon you, give you peace undeniable and joy unspeakable that you will continue to be a blessing to our nation and the entire world in Jesus name.

Rev. Prof Bank-Ola, Steve

At 6:00am on July 2, 2012, rev david newton said…

my  dearest bishop i am apostle david newton in a ministry called revival apostolic ministries international i like your every thing and with the also that u are older in the ministrial work and the young ones  can  also learn from you please i will be very glad if one day u can visit me at ghana for a programme this is my no +233548785781 hope to hear from u soon

At 1:02pm on June 06, 2012, REV. KWAME ABURAM ANOFF gave Bishop Sunday Uahomo a gift
At 4:29am on May 25, 2012, Rev Franklin Koroma said…
Good day Bishop. I visited your website and saw that you will hold a crusade in Sierra Leone in October 2012. that is wonderful! do you have any contact person in Sierra Leone to organizes the program for you? if no I will do it. this is my email address: my mobile # +23277365066
At 11:11am on May 1, 2012, SAMUEL RATNAM VILLURI said…

Iam, Pastor Samuel Villuri, i would like to share my Witness to the God Children

I born in a Christian family. My mother prayed to God;O my Lord,as thy soul liveth,i am the woman that stood by thee
here,praying unto the Lord.for this child i prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which i asked of him: Therefore
also i have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. and he worshipped the Lord there.And
she witnessed to many,that i am a child of God. She named me "Samuel'.and i was grew on, and was favour both with the Lord and
also with men.and ministered unto the Lord.The God's vision in my life, at my childhood days is the Mighty Hand of Lord was
upon me.During my childhood, at lunch time, i was asked by auya, weather you want apple or Jesus? i answered Jesus.

God blessed me with beautiful wife and two lovely sons, all are greatly working in the Lord's Harvest.

By profession I was a Marketing Person worked with Wockhardt Ltd; a Pharmacetical company,as an incharge.
God blessed me in all my ways.One fine day God called me for HIS Ministry, immediately i resigned and left every
thing for the Glory of God.

I earned properties,during my profession and spend them,in the Lord's ministry.God spoke to me through His Word
about the Pure religion;James 1:27, Pure religion and God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in
their' affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Serving the Needy through, Matthew 25:34-40, then shall say unto them on the right side hand, come ye blessed of my Father,
inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

for I was an hungred, and ye gave Me meet: I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink: I was a Stranger, and you took Me in:
naked and you clothed Me: I was sick, and you visited Me: I was in prison, ye came unto Me. The shall the righteous answer
Him, saying, Lord when saw we Thee an hungred and feed Thee? or thirsty, and gave Thee drink?when saw we Thee a stranger
and took Thee in? or nakeed, and clothed Thee? or when saw we Thee sick, or in prison and came unto Thee? The King shall
answer and say unto them, verly i say unto you, in asmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren,
you have done it unto Me.

Serving Poor and Needy is knowing the God. Jeremiah 22:16 He judge the cause of the poor and needy:then it was well with
Him: was not this to know me? saith the Lord.

I STRENGTHEND by;"Then the Word of the Lord came unto me Saying, before I formed you in the belly I knew you;
before you come out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you as a Prophet unto the nations.then said i, ah Lord God
! behold, i cannot speak:for i am a child.but Lord Said unto me. say not, i am a child: for you should go to all that I
shall send you, and what so ever I command you shall speak. be not afraid of their faces: for I am with you to deliever
you, said the Lord"

Therefore i was guided by the Lord and the Spirit of God and doing the best as spiritual driven servant.
My soul always thirst to see the Living god and Seeking His Will to go further in Faithfulness. My dear in Christ,I have
a prayer request, please pray for my Divine call, that should fulfill the God's Will

Thank you all, Yours faithfully,

Appointed steward,


At 11:09am on May 1, 2012, SAMUEL RATNAM VILLURI said…


At 3:13pm on April 4, 2012, APOSTLE ALPHONCE OSANO said…

Thank you Bishop Sunday for letting me know about the wonderful mission you have ahead of you to South Africa this year 2012. You are highly welcomed there as the Lord leads you in the spirit. Unfortunate, I have been in America for about two years, so am not there by now and am not sure when I will go back. May God bless you as you continue fulfilling the will of God.

At 10:50pm on April 3, 2012, APOSTLE ALPHONCE OSANO said…

I really thank God for the mission God has given you and the team in End time Harvest Ministry. It has been busy time for me, and that's why it has taken long time before responding back. I have appreciated to know and understand the great opennes of God's doing through that wonderful team you have together. Yes this end time, the need of such kind of groups are very vital.

I will remmain in prayer at all time that He, the almighty, may this year 2012, amy use you and the team more than for His glory, and more anointing of the Holy Spirit to continue upon you at all time. Thank you wonderful family of God, may God bless you all.

At 7:22am on March 27, 2012, Ted Chipasha said…

Great to have you on board sir,..I  would like to keep the links open.

Be Blessed Sir!

At 8:41pm on March 26, 2012, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…

Happy B day! god bless you Bishop Uahomo!

At 11:55am on March 26, 2012, Pastor Dr. Michael M Sherrod gave Bishop Sunday Uahomo a gift
At 4:46pm on March 18, 2012, Rev. Irina Cristea gave Bishop Sunday Uahomo a gift
At 9:43am on March 18, 2012, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…

Bishop Uahomo, I want to personally welcome you to the Association of Clergy International. Thank you for all that you do in the ministry and in pursuing the unity within the body of Christ and with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Please know that we will be praying for you, your family, and your ministry. If you haven’t done so, you can upload a picture or ministry logo to your profile by going to the "settings" located on the upper right hand corner.

Bishop Uahomo, as a member in good standing, you can also help support our vision to unite the clergy of the world by ordering your official beautiful AOCI membership certificate for a minimum free will offering of $39 (US Currency). Effective April 1, 2012, the certificate will be available for a minimum offering of $49 so I encourage you to get yours this month. Your free will offering is greatly appreciated and helps to off-set the costs of this ministry. You can find a picture and place your order by going to the main page and clicking on the certificate picture.

In addition, we are working hard at completing our on-line AOCI Bible Training Institute (ABTI) that is available to you at NO COST! After completing all three levels, you have the option of securing your “Diploma of Biblical Studies” from ABTI for a nominal donation.
Finally, we will be holding our Annual AOCI 2012 Conference in Dallas, Texas on June 22 and 23rd. For more details please click on the AOCI Events Tab above. We pray to see you there. This will give you a chance to be encouraged, fellowship, learn, and meet the AOCI Leadership and members.
God bless you, your family, and your wonderful ministry. May our LORD watch and keep you in His wonderful care. We love you! Shalom! Again, welcome to the AOCI! For His Glory. Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI!

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