Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI's Comments

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At 2:44pm on December 27, 2018, Prophet Kirk Micah Livingood said…

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas & Happy New Years

please send me The Mailing Address for the AOCI so i can MAIL to you a Belated Christmas Card and a Money Order donation,

God Bless

Prophet Kirk Micah Livingood

At 5:08pm on November 22, 2018, Steven James Newton said…

Thank you Dr. Henry.  Forgive the belated response.  May God our Father through our Savior Jesus Christ bless you and all our fellow clergy.

At 3:01am on March 16, 2017, APOSTLE SAMUEL OPINGO said…


At 7:16am on August 31, 2016, REV. JOSEPH ATTA BROWN said…

Dr. really a long time, and can I still use the address below to send the money? Kindly tell me the current amount for international membership certificate. God bles us all

Western union in Douglasville, Georgia. The Zip Code is 30134. Send the money to my name, Henry Vazquez. Let me know when you send it so I can pick it up and it is not sitting there without processing.
Once I receive I will mail your official AOCI Membership Certificate. God bless
At 2:57am on March 5, 2016, APOSTLE ALPHONCE OSANO said…

May God bless you my brother for your wonderful message and I will be remembering you in my prayer too because your doing great job to many and I have appreciated very much . Its my prayer wishes this year 2016. God bless you

Apostle Alphonce

At 7:22pm on February 23, 2016, Pastor Moises Figueroa, DBS said…

Thank you Dr. Henry. It is my honor and pleasure to be part of this organization.  If there is something I can do to help please let me know. 

God bless. 

At 9:13pm on January 6, 2016, Stephen Seymour said…

Thank you Dr. Henry for your warm welcome and kind words. I pray that God will use this body as a resource of love, unity and prayer throughout the body of Christ. I strongly believe that inasmuch as the world is in for a gigantic awakening and reckoning by God the Father, that believers worldwide can unite in prayer, genuine love and support and usher in the greatest move of God the Father that this world has ever seen. Then we lift up our heads and await the glorious return of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am honored to be a part of this body and will do anything I can to support it's efforts in building the Kingdom of God. Many blessings and Shalom my brother!

At 8:16am on December 23, 2015, REV. D.C. GRAY gave Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI a gift
At 11:26am on November 29, 2015, Claude Superville said…

Thank you Dr. Henry. May Our Father bless you and family as well.

At 2:05pm on July 2, 2015, Clive Reginald READ said…

On Tuesday 23rd June, as Primate Archbishop of the Anglican Independent Communion - Worldwide, I was invited at attend a meeting at the Madrid Central Synagogue, where I heard the Jewish 95% Jewish congregation pledge Jewish support for Christians facing persecution. David Hatchwell, the President of the Madrid Jewish Community, told me "Who knows more about persecution for our faith than we Jews, we lost 6 million in the Holocaust?"

I have written a report for our local church magazine JAVEA JEARD, but I doubt it will be of interest to you and other AOCI.

For 17 years Ann and I have published the Spanish-language edition of Bob Gass' devotiona; "The Word For You For Today".

We relocated to Spain almost 30 years ago.


At 5:58pm on December 11, 2014, Pastor Greg Moller said…

Bro. Henry

Happy Birthday and may God Bless you


At 10:17am on August 17, 2014, Jack Fleury said…

Thank you Dr. Henry for your kind words.

      I enjoyed the courses and realized that after 28 years of Scriptural study I still have so much more to learn about our great God and Savior.  I know that I will continue to refer back to the curricula in preparing future sermons to present to my congregation. 

      I will be turning 67 years old in a couple weeks and I thank our Lord for His calling on my life.  I pray that He will shine His Light upon you, your family and your ministry, as well as, the entire AOCI organization. 

     In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, be blessed.

    Pastor Jack

At 10:28am on July 4, 2014, Arline Martinez said…

this has been a very trying year. 5 surgeries since last December. I feel that I am finally on the right path. I am doing some leg work right now to open an :after orphanage house". These 14, 15, 16 year olds are leaving the confines of the protected orphanage and are hooking up with the first guy that comes along and making babies. Then what? No education, no family, no money, no social programs down here- they are falling through the cracks. I know this will take a lot of praying, energy, and angels to bless this project but I feel God has already made a plan and I must stay in prayer, and ask all around me to also stay in prayer for this as I need the strength (physical) to see this through and recruit missionaries to help me.

God bless you and the AOCI.

At 9:35pm on May 27, 2014, Rev. Dr. Jesus Garcia Arce said…

Thank you, Dr. Henry, My name is Dr. Garcia-Arce, in Latin America and PR, usually we use the both last name (father and mother last name). Dr. Jesús García-Arce. Thank you for accepting my request to he organization. God Bless you and your ministry.

At 12:54pm on March 26, 2014, Nsikak David said…
Thank you sir for adding me. I look forward to great fellowship with you and your ministry.
At 11:39pm on March 18, 2014, Rev D Andrew Sands said…

Could we see if we could upload Blitz's videos on his book the BLOOD MOONS? They are supposed to be out this month on the market.

At 11:37pm on March 18, 2014, Rev D Andrew Sands said…

The baptism in the Holy Spirit is indeed an addition experience for the redeemed believer to empower himself for service. The biblical pattern established in the Historical Narrative of the Acts of the Apostles is that the baptism is accompanied by an physical evidence in the baptized believer: Speaking in Tongues.

At 11:33pm on March 18, 2014, Rev D Andrew Sands said…

I totally agree with you Dr Henry. So many Christians feel that since they are under grace it is alright to sin. But the same passage that tells us we are under grace also tells us that we should not allow sin to abound because of the grace shown towards us!

Also we are called out to be a separate people. We are called out of the world, not to be a part of the world and its practices! OK, now I better stop before I get preaching. This is your article! LOL

At 10:56pm on March 18, 2014, Rev D Andrew Sands said…

Thank you so much Dr Henry! Still cannot figure out why you could not read my pdf files!

At 10:43pm on March 5, 2014, Agnes Pijui said…

Thank you so much my beloved brother in the Lord.
We are all called to be His servants in the Harvest field.
We pray the Lord of harvest will send more laborers into the harvest Field.
May the Lord also enrich you in your calling unto Him.


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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.

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