Mick Alexander's Comments

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At 6:49am on March 07, 2012, Rev. Michael Oluwole Ogunwolere gave Mick Alexander a gift
At 4:15pm on March 3, 2012, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…

Great answer Mick because if we say we have no sin, we decieve ourselves and the truth is not in us.  Even in on our best minute of behavior, our very own righteousness is as filthy rags!  Oh...thank God for His Grace and Mercy.  Praise God! 

Thank you for taking the time to comment back. 

Have a great day in Australia! 




At 1:23pm on March 3, 2012, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…

So let me ask you mic, are you saying that Christians do not sin, should not sin, or do continue in habitual sin, all of these, none of these, and if some of these, which one (s).? (please explain your answers scripturally)

Another question I have is are you an adherant to the "perfection" doctrine and if so, please explain scripturally your position (s). Thanks so much. God bless.

At 3:33am on March 3, 2012, Alfred AyuK Ewube said…

i thank you very much for adding as a friend, i hope you are doing fine how is your family and ministry? hope we will meet at the Conference kindly pray that i should make it to be there.

Fr Alfred Ayuk

At 4:34am on April 19, 2011, PROPHETESS LILIAN NNEKA ENESON said…
thanks for the add ,it is a pleasure many blessings
At 1:37pm on October 01, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) gave Mick Alexander a gift
At 1:37pm on October 1, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) said…
OH ! My Gracious Father,
Thank You for continually being present within my life!
Thank You for loving me with such unconditional adoration!
Make me worthy of your wonderful devotion toward me that I may give you honor and praise.
Cause me to have a passionate desire toward your word that I may please you in all I do and say.
May I desire nothing on this desolate earth but the future glory with you!
My FATHER, you have protecting me, since my childhood, from all the problems around me
from all my ways, while I'm was in darkness!
My most precious Lord, kindly remember the poor and sick and please accord ''peace'' in this around the whole world!!!
Kindly bless your servants, old age people, unmarried girls/boys, and parents less children! THANKING YOU MY LORD!

AMEN!!!....by your Loving Son...RAJESWAR (India)
At 8:57am on October 1, 2010, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…
Anytime brother. I am headed to Florida and then to Dallas, TX for ministry. A great big God bless you during your most special day again. Keep up the great work in the Kingdom of God! Amen.
At 4:50pm on September 30, 2010, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…
Brother Alexander, I wanted to be sure and wish you an early Happy Birthday!! since I will be traveling tomorrow. God bless you, your family, and your ministry.
At 10:04am on February 23, 2010, Bro.RAJESWAR(INDIA) said…
"Do not be deceived by the thoughts of the world,
which try to convince you that you are but a body upon the earth.
Think like the eternal, formless, love filled being that you are,
and you will walk with the knowledge of Christ in your mind,
in the world but not of it."
At 2:35pm on February 1, 2010, Prophet Joseph Akinwande said…
It is a wonderful thing to be connected with you! May the Lord bless you and your ministry.
At 9:17am on January 24, 2010, JOHN MARK PEARAPANGI said…
Dear beloved Brotheren in Christm

Greetings to you in the Holy name of our LOrd and
Saviour Jesus Christ. I am pastor John Mark I am working as a pastor. I have a small orphanage i have 25 orphans and in have a Tribal ministry. Please pray for me and for my ministry.
Rev. Dr. P. John Mark.
At 4:14pm on January 11, 2010, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…
Hello Brother Mick and welcome to the Association of Clergy International. Wow, I was just watching your new video...Praise God!!! This is a message that needs to go out throughout the clergy world and the church at large! God bless you for what you are doing. Keep those inspired and anointed messages coming! It is a blessing to have you here!!! Glory! PS. One of these days I dream of going to Australia. I have seen many pictures of this beautiful land that God has created. God bless.

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