Why are National Groups Important to Change the Spiritual Environment of a Nation?

Ask not what your country can do for you,

ask what can you do for your country. ~JFK

We believe that by pastors and leaders gathering together and sharing information about ministry, praying for each other, assisting where possible and undertaking some joint events, a great sense of unity in the church in a nation can be developed which will cause the world to sit up and take notice, like Jesus referred to in John 17. We encourage you to join your national group and have your say, add comments to the wall and write discussion forums.
A group of leaders gathered outside listening to
Howard Sands. The start of Africa Network BFTF
in Kampala, Uganda, 2007.
When you encourage others by:- 
Starting an initiative for national prayer, worship, teaching or leadership development, 
Kingdom development in aspects of civic duty, education, politics, business or judicial system, 
that is outside of your church or denomination or structure where you are a part, but take a view of developing the Kingdom of God in your country, you will attract like minded individuals to join and share this initiative. 
In so doing you will gather momentum and provide spiritual impetus to your nation to shift towards unity and cause the Holy Spirit to advance the cause of the Kingdom in the nation because there are people moving forward with kingdom objectives not constrained by personal, financial, church or denominational constraints. 
What is your strength? 
Where has God called you to serve? 
How will you develop and share kingdom principles on a wider scale?
How can you inform other leaders of such initiatives, report kingdom events and successes or gather momentum, seek ideas and constructive helps for things will will turn the kingdom principles loose on your nation in increasing measure? 
Find places people who have interest in such things, join there and share your ideas, programs, plans and requests.
Participate with others in concepts and programs already established with similar objectives.
One such place that is gathering momentum is national group on Africa Network BFTF (over 4500 Christian leader members from 46 African countries and beyond). 
Join your national group at Africa Network BFTF and make a difference. 26 national groups, more waiting just for you to join. Sign UP here https://bftfafricanetwork.ning.com/
More information on Africa Network BFTF can be found here 
Having trouble completing your application for membership? 

is the International Director
of Beautiful Feet Task Force,

He is available as a speaker for:- 

churches, outreaches, business & missions. 

to speak at your church, College or organisation? 
For more details on how to frame an invitation see here.
See ministry recommendations here. 
See products and services here.
Send your invitation here via facebook messenger
If you would like to donate to BFTF International Missions for training leaders in developing world countries donate here.  
Payment options
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online! 

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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.

We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.

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