Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI
  • 63, Male
  • DFW, Texas
  • United States
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Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI's Friends

  • Katherine Purvis
  • Rumishael Ulomi
  • Rev. Michael J. McDermott, Th.D.
  • Prophet Kirk Micah Livingood
  • Dr. Aaron Hardin
  • Rev. Dr. T. Raja Wilson
  • Pastor Vijay Bernard
  • Rev. Dr. Gerald Olseski, Jr.,C.M
  • Revd Simeon Sunday ADEKEYE
  • Pastor.Hosanna Bezawada
  • Kara Freebyrd
  • Rev. Jim Harrison
  • Pastor Moises Figueroa, DBS
  • John Sain

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Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI's Page

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You MUST provide us with a detailed answer about your ministry activities and the name & location of your credentialing ministerial association. (Note: Please provide more than just the name of church/synagogue/ministry to be considered for membership.)
My ministry experience includes pastoring, counseling, teaching, worship leading (musician sing, play guitar), chaplain and evangelism. I have a heart for the Clergy (Christian & Jewish) to dwell in unity so this is why the AOCI was birthed. On December of 2009 the LORD spoke to me to create a fellowship that would worship him and network regardless of their denomination, ministerial association or affiliation. Here we can come together as clergy and just love God, fellowship, and make divine connections (what I call "Divine Networking") WITHOUT THE RESTRICTIONS OF DENOMINATIONS (though we are NOT opposed to denominations) Every minister has something to offer. AOCI is where you can tell the clergy world what you can offer in order to ADVANCE THE KINGDOM OF GOD! PRAISE the LORD! PS. 133:1

BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Henry is an accomplished business/Clergyman earning his Bachelors of Biblical Studies, Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Theology from a recognized and accredited Bible College and Seminary. Dr. Henry is a musician, singer, writer, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, Theologian, Chaplain and President of a worldwide Clergy Fellowship with members representing thousands of churches and denominations throughout the US, Canada, Europe, Philippines, Australia, Africa, the Middle East, New Zealand, and many other locations throughout the world. The AOCI is now in over 180 countries and has thousands of members. He has spoken throughout the U.S. in many seminars and conferences both ministerial and professional. Dr. Henry spent 10 years in the military and is a veteran of the Persian Gulf War (1991). Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Dr. Henry has successfully crossed denominational boundaries, both Christian and Jewish believers. He loves the Jewish people and is a member of several Jewish fellowships which partner with Christian ministries. Dr. Henry loves to teach in practical ways and his teachings are relevant, sound, humorous, and down to earth. He loves Futbol (he means soccer), action & romance movies, and his little black toy puddle named Stormy. He was born again at the age of 16. He received the call into the ministry at the age of 17. His latest ministry success has been the founding of the Association of Clergy International, a worldwide fellowship which unites all evangelical, spirit filled, and Jewish clergy. Dr. Henry also worked as a chaplain for the Fort Worth Police department after completing their 12 week chaplain program and is a member of the Clergy and Police Alliance http://www.clergyandpolicealliance.com/ and worked with Corporate Chaplains of America Inc, NC http://www.chaplain.org

His secular and ministerial experience has been a great asset and a blessing to the Clergy World. He is results oriented, a team player and a visionary. Brother Henry’s heart is set on blessing the heart of God by blessing the hearts of God's Generals, The Clergy.


Over 20 years ministry experience.
• Ordinations, IBCA & AOCI. Previous Credentials held with ICCM, & AEGA (Credentialed since Oct 2001)
• Member of the Board of Regents - serving on the International Advisory Board with Crown Theological Seminary of New England, RI
• Certified Chaplain with the International Federation of Christian Chaplains (IFCC), RI
• Founder & President of the Association of Clergy International (AOCI), GA
• Founder and Primary Instructor for the Association of Church Protection. http://www.associationofchurchprotection.info
• Member of the International Executive Advisory Council of the Jewish Christian Network, FL

Dr. Henry is also a Stategic Partner and Ambassador with the Conservative Senior Association of America (CSAA), SC & member of the American Legion. He is also an Advisor at http://guidepointglobal.com which is an exclusive International Network of professionals who provide consulting services in Insurance & Financial Svcs.
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English, Spanish
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If friend, please tell us who we can thank for referring you.
the LORD God All Mighty, Adonai
Are you a born-again Christian, Messianic Jew, Catholic, or other Christian classification/denomination?
If you are Christian, do you believe in the doctrine of the holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit)?
As stated in our Terms of Use policy, AOCI is not a place for you to raise funding for your ministry. Do you understand and agree with this policy?
As stated in our Statement of Faith, AOCI supports and stands with Israel as God's 'chosen people'. Do you agree with this Biblical doctrine?
You MUST post a copy of your VALID website to be considered. Please provide the URL here.

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Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI's Blog

What is the AOCP (Association of Church Protection)?

Posted on October 4, 2017 at 9:00am 0 Comments

The Association of Church Protection (AOCP)

Now the Church in the US can turn to the AOCP (Association of Church Protection) for help setting up an internal Volunteer Security Ministry Team.  Please keep this added benefit we have launched to the body of Christ in the US in prayer.  If anyone is interested, please contact us.  God bless you, your family, and your ministries.  May our LORD watch and protect us all.  Amen.

The Association of Church Protection…


Code of Ethics for AOCI Credentialed Members

Posted on February 26, 2016 at 8:39am 0 Comments



Serving G-d as an ordained clergy with the Association of Clergy International – A.O.C.I. is not a right but a privilege that requires certain responsibilities, standards of conduct, lifestyle, and servant attitudes.

AOCI Clergy will ensure that their conduct at…


Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas – the Symbolic Similarities. (Dec. 13, 2015)

Posted on December 13, 2015 at 11:05am 0 Comments

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas – the Symbolic Similarities.  (Dec. 13, 2015)

Today (December 13th, 2015) is the 7th day of the festival Hanukkah (Chanukah).  There are many similarities and deep meaning between these two special days within the Jewish and Christian Community. 

I want to start by defining what this Jewish holiday means.  The Jewish holiday…


AOCI Clergy Code of Ethics

Posted on December 9, 2015 at 10:38am 0 Comments


Serving G-d as an ordained clergy with the Association of Clergy International – A.O.C.I. is not a right but a privilege that requires certain responsibilities, standards of conduct, lifestyle, and servant attitudes.

  1. AOCI Clergy will ensure that their conduct at all times reflects the fact that they are in the service to our LORD and His people (Gal 5:22-26) (Phil 4:8) (Phil 2:3-8).
  2. AOCI Clergy will not…

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At 2:44pm on December 27, 2018, Prophet Kirk Micah Livingood said…

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas & Happy New Years

please send me The Mailing Address for the AOCI so i can MAIL to you a Belated Christmas Card and a Money Order donation,

God Bless

Prophet Kirk Micah Livingood

At 5:08pm on November 22, 2018, Steven James Newton said…

Thank you Dr. Henry.  Forgive the belated response.  May God our Father through our Savior Jesus Christ bless you and all our fellow clergy.

At 3:01am on March 16, 2017, APOSTLE SAMUEL OPINGO said…


At 7:16am on August 31, 2016, REV. JOSEPH ATTA BROWN said…

Dr. really a long time, and can I still use the address below to send the money? Kindly tell me the current amount for international membership certificate. God bles us all

Western union in Douglasville, Georgia. The Zip Code is 30134. Send the money to my name, Henry Vazquez. Let me know when you send it so I can pick it up and it is not sitting there without processing.
Once I receive I will mail your official AOCI Membership Certificate. God bless
At 2:57am on March 5, 2016, APOSTLE ALPHONCE OSANO said…

May God bless you my brother for your wonderful message and I will be remembering you in my prayer too because your doing great job to many and I have appreciated very much . Its my prayer wishes this year 2016. God bless you

Apostle Alphonce

At 7:22pm on February 23, 2016, Pastor Moises Figueroa, DBS said…

Thank you Dr. Henry. It is my honor and pleasure to be part of this organization.  If there is something I can do to help please let me know. 

God bless. 

At 9:13pm on January 6, 2016, Stephen Seymour said…

Thank you Dr. Henry for your warm welcome and kind words. I pray that God will use this body as a resource of love, unity and prayer throughout the body of Christ. I strongly believe that inasmuch as the world is in for a gigantic awakening and reckoning by God the Father, that believers worldwide can unite in prayer, genuine love and support and usher in the greatest move of God the Father that this world has ever seen. Then we lift up our heads and await the glorious return of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am honored to be a part of this body and will do anything I can to support it's efforts in building the Kingdom of God. Many blessings and Shalom my brother!

At 8:16am on December 23, 2015, REV. D.C. GRAY gave Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI a gift
At 11:26am on November 29, 2015, Claude Superville said…

Thank you Dr. Henry. May Our Father bless you and family as well.

At 2:05pm on July 2, 2015, Clive Reginald READ said…

On Tuesday 23rd June, as Primate Archbishop of the Anglican Independent Communion - Worldwide, I was invited at attend a meeting at the Madrid Central Synagogue, where I heard the Jewish 95% Jewish congregation pledge Jewish support for Christians facing persecution. David Hatchwell, the President of the Madrid Jewish Community, told me "Who knows more about persecution for our faith than we Jews, we lost 6 million in the Holocaust?"

I have written a report for our local church magazine JAVEA JEARD, but I doubt it will be of interest to you and other AOCI.

For 17 years Ann and I have published the Spanish-language edition of Bob Gass' devotiona; "The Word For You For Today".

We relocated to Spain almost 30 years ago.




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About AOCI

The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.

We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.

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