March 2014 Blog Posts (55)

The Purpose Of The Great Commission - Baptism

This broadcast deals with the Great Commission when it comes to focusing our attention on the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Due to the subject matter, some may be offended and take issue with what is said.

If you are offended by keeping your focus on the Blood of…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on March 22, 2014 at 8:18pm — No Comments

The Baptist In The Holy Spirit!

What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

Today's lesson from the Remnant Church Bible Institute is on that very subject.  Join us for today's lesson from Remnant Church Bible Institute!

"First Things First", "The Baptism In The…


Added by Bishop August S. Francis on March 22, 2014 at 9:59am — No Comments

Complete Interpretation: Submission Necessary; A Portion of a Lecture by Me at ABC

Even if all biblical interpreters conscientiously used a consistent hermeneutical system, there would still be a variety of opinions because of the differences among the interpreters' abilities and backgrounds. Such differences are inevitable and must be accepted, but four characteristics are required of a student of the Bible who would 'accurately divide the word of truth.…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 20, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

Churches That Use Faith,

When you hear and think of all the other churches that use FAITH, you will know that it is the precious body of Christ in those churches actually touching individual lives and meeting individual. '' The participants are busy, imperfect laypeople from all walks of life who have their own struggles. Even so they and their Churches have put first things first and have been gloriously blessed in the process .

Added by Pastor Dr. Michael M Sherrod on March 19, 2014 at 6:49pm — No Comments


Join us as Evangel Pacific Radio presents 'The Upper Room', Thursday at 1:00PM PST. This week the topic will be 'BROKENESS TO GLORY'.…


Added by REV. ALYSYN GRIFFITH on March 19, 2014 at 3:11pm — No Comments

At the end of the day...

At the end of the day, what is really important? Your life bringing glory to God...simple...not complicated!

Added by Pr.Paddick Van Zyl on March 19, 2014 at 2:12pm — No Comments

The Pastor must Decide

The Pastor must decide that the Church is going to be a soul-winning, , Great Commission Church and then lead the Church to be that in the most effective way possible. May Churches preach, talk, and applaud this philosophy of Evangelism but do not do it. They need to decide, and the Pastor must lead them to that .

Added by Pastor Dr. Michael M Sherrod on March 18, 2014 at 7:11pm — No Comments

Complete Interpretation: Regeneration Necessary; A Portion of a Lecture by Me at ABC

Even if all biblical interpreters conscientiously used a consistent hermeneutical system, there would still be a variety of opinions because of the differences among the interpreters' abilities and backgrounds. Such differences are inevitable and must be accepted, but four characteristics are required of a student of the Bible who would 'accurately divide the word of truth.…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 18, 2014 at 11:00am — No Comments

Are Guidelines Needed in Biblical Interpretation: A Portion of a ABC Lecture I Did

It can be said that the difference between mysticism and Christianity is the message of the Bible. Christianity is not founded on a vague notion of who God is based on mystical guesswork; rather, it is built on the foundation of a concrete, divine revelation.

Furthermore, superficial Christians are not interested in the correct interpretations of God;'s Word. Only…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 18, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

God's Intercession Through Us

The way of God's intercession through us follows the path of exposure, burden, prayer, participation, and coast. First, we get exposed. '' Lift up your eyes '' ( John 4:35 ) . Then, we become burdened with '' great heaviness and continual sorrow'' ( Rom 9:2 ). Next, we'll pray and talk with the Lord, and He'll talk to us about our need to do something. After that, we'll become participants in His work of intercession. And, of course, there always will be time of sacrifice or inconvenience,…


Added by Pastor Dr. Michael M Sherrod on March 17, 2014 at 8:58pm — No Comments

AWM Anger Management Recovery Program Session 2 Part 2A Mar 18, 2014

1. Start Session with prayer - ask Holy Spirit to give you understanding and give you inner healing

2. Study each part of session highlighted – this program as well as the…


Added by Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD on March 17, 2014 at 8:55pm — No Comments

Key Definitions in the study of Biblical Hermeneutics; A portion of a Lecture to an Abaco BIble College Hermeneutics Class by Me.

Rules of interpretation govern how we interpret any communication. When we speak of the laws governing correct interpretation, we are not referring to a list that varies from person to person or even from secular to inspired writings. We are referring to rules people have used for thousands of years in understanding and relaying all forms of interpersonal communication.…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 17, 2014 at 3:00pm — No Comments

The Primary Task of the Church Leader : A Portion of an Abaco Bible College Lecture by Me

The tale of "Mutiny on the Bounty" is an unforgettable story that took place on April 28, 1789. When some of the members of the crew of the Bounty mutinied, they cast Captain Bligh and 18 crewman adrift in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The Captain's group traveled for over 3,000 miles to safety, but the odyssey of the crew that remained on the Bounty was even more…


Added by Rev D Andrew Sands on March 17, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

God at work

Why can we lift up our head in confidence and smile?

Because we know that our Heavenly Father is already working on our tommorrow...

Praise the blessed Name of Jesus!

Added by Pr.Paddick Van Zyl on March 17, 2014 at 2:27pm — No Comments

Keep calm

Keep calm and know God is in charge...

Added by Pr.Paddick Van Zyl on March 17, 2014 at 2:07pm — No Comments

Spirit of Discernment

Genesis 3:1-7

Adam and Eve had a relationship with God.  He made provisions for them such as the Garden of Eden.  But the serpent had a plan to disrupt the plan of God for them to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  When the enemy shows us, we should respond with a "spirit of discernment" to let him know we know what he is up to and who he is, which is beneath your feet.  Eve's fleshed desired to what the eat from the tree.  The tree was shown to her from evil as…


Added by Rev. Kaye Spencer on March 17, 2014 at 8:33am — No Comments


Dearly Beloved,


"Beware of your friends; do not trust your brothers. For every brother is a deceiver, and every friend a slanderer. Friend deceives friend, and no-one speaks the truth. They have taught their tongues to lie; they weary themselves with sinning" (Jeremiah 9:4-5 NIV).

The life of an average Jew in the time of Jeremiah was so deteriorated and corrupted that it was difficult to trust a fellow Jew. Each one was doing what seemed right in…


Added by Pastor Bayo Afolaranmi on March 17, 2014 at 5:44am — No Comments



He is the First and Last,

The Beginning and the End!

He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!

He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times.

He always was, He always is, and He always will be ...

Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone!

He was…

Added by Margaret Wright on March 17, 2014 at 5:12am — No Comments

Soul-Winning Discplers

Each of us should be soul-winning discplers because the world around us needs Jesus working in, and through, us. The world of Christians needs someone to help them grow. They are a part of our world and part of our responsibility. We should feel obligated to help those newer Christians around us. You can become a soul-winning disciple not only because there is a world around you that's in need, but because there is a will. God Bless you all and have a good night Amen.

Added by Pastor Dr. Michael M Sherrod on March 16, 2014 at 9:06pm — No Comments

Walking with God

Whom are you walking with? Fear, anger, peace?

The Bible says that Enoch walked faithfully with God...

Gen:5:23-24  NIV

23 Altogether, Enoch lived a total of 365 years.

24 Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.

We also read in Hebrews 11:5-6 (NIV)

5 By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.”[a] For before he… Continue

Added by Pr.Paddick Van Zyl on March 16, 2014 at 10:47am — No Comments

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