Frederick Meekins's Blog – April 2015 Archive (3)

A Review Of “Why I Am Not A Christian” By Bertrand Russell

Without a doubt, Bertrand Russell stands as one of the most formidable minds of the modern era. Through his efforts with Alfred North Whitehead in “Principia Mathematica”, Russell further elaborated the relationship between mathematics and deductive logic. Russell's endeavors, however, were not confined to complex philosophical treatises having little influence outside of academic circles. Russell's work spanned the intellectual spectrum, ranging from works on the history of philosophy to…


Added by Frederick Meekins on April 21, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Should Allegiance To Certain Church Movements Excuse Profound Moral Failings?

The following quote attributed to Jack Hyles was printed in a church bulletin: “The time consumed between the opportunity to do right and the doing of the right is often spent trying to justify doing wrong.”

A valid observation.

Sort of like the time Hyles concocted a convoluted doctrine not unlike that of Mormon celestial marriage to justify him spending more emotionally intimate time with the church secretary than his actual wife.

Then there was also the time Hyles…


Added by Frederick Meekins on April 20, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Should Church Members Submit To Pastoral Interrogations?

In an interview on Generation’s Radio, Albert Martin — former pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Montville, New Jersey — elaborated fondly that over the course of his ministry there that it was the practice to inflict upon the members of the congregation an annual inspection in their homes.

During this interrogation, he would gather intelligence as to the spiritual state of the occupants.  His interlocutories would assess areas such devotional life, quality of marriage, and the…


Added by Frederick Meekins on April 17, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

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