Paul went to Corinth in Greece on his second missionary journey. Corinth was a thriving commercial center and a very corrupt city. The church in Corinth had several problems, so Paul wrote this epistle to deal with them. Wherever imperfect people congregate in the name of Jesus, there will be disagreements. If they are not dealt with promptly and properly, they can become major divisions. The unity of believers is the MOST IMPORTANT characteristic of the Church. Paul realized that the problem in the church at Corinth needed to be confronted and corrected. The most subtle and pervasive problem Paul confronted was DIVISION and LACK OF UNITY. Discipline and correction is absolutely necessary in order to grow and improve or if not dealt with results in rebellion and self destruction of the church.
1- The Christians relationship to spiritual authority and unity
2- Errors in the matter of correct teaching and persistent sinful believers who called themselves Christians which believed that freedom from the Law meant liberty to practice anything. Liberty meant license to sin
3- Warped views and practices relating to marriage and relationships between the sexes
4- Public worship and the liberty provided by Jesus turned into license to sin and indulgence (Pride, lust, ignorance, selfishness, idolatry, sexual immorality, complaining, speaking against God and ministers)
5- Correct attitude and teaching on Giving (tithes and offerings)
The errors and abuses that Paul wrote about in Corinthians are LIFE AND DEATH MATTERS. To continue making errors that Paul warned against could lead to ETERNAL SEPARATION FROM GOD HIMSELF.
This study should motivate the Christian to:
1-Be conformed into the image of Christ
2-Become more pleasing to the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit
3-Grow together in unity and enjoy the safety from the destruction of the enemy
v. 2 In the phrase “called to be saints. ‘ the words to be were inserted by the translators. All Christians are called saints. Not just those especially devout. This epistle is addressed to those of us who call upon the name of Jesus, as well as to the church that was in Corinth.
v. 3 When we truly accept and understand the grace of God, we are better able to experience the peace of God within our lives.
v. 5 “Enriched” (GK) “plutocrat.” It means “lavishly wealthy.”
v. 6 Their lives were a confirmation of the truth of the Gospel.
v. 7 We can see that there was an abundant use of the spiritual gifts in the Corinthian church. Christ wants us to live in anticipation that He may come at any time.
v. 8 We will be blameless when we’re presented to God and He will complete the work in us. The “day” of Jesus is the day of His coming.
v. 9 “Fellowship” means “communion” or “oneness”.
v. 10-12 Some of the people were taking sides in disputes that had arisen. Carnality, not spiritual maturity, leads to division in the Body of Christ.
v. 14-17 This is one scripture that proves that a believer does not need to be baptized to be saved. Baptism is a sign of the new life in Christ and believers participate in it and also with our of obedience and love to Christ as He commands it. If a person had to be baptized in order to be saved, Paul would never have made these remarks about baptism. Baptism is the outward symbol showing that the filth of the flesh has been washed from our hearts, but it is our faith in Christ that saves us.
v. 18 The death of Christ isn’t meaningful to those who are dying in their sins (Hebrews 12:25). Unbelievers really understand repentance of sins but you must show them that they are sinners first before they can ever be saved with the help of the Holy Spirit.
v. 19-20 Romans 1:21.
v. 21 Preaching appears foolish to those who are wise in the world. It is foolish to those who are NOT God’s children. Humans are born as Children of wrath. Not until one is born again does he become a child of God. The believer is adopted into the family of God.
v. 2-27 Not many of the wise and powerful have been chosen by God for He has chosen the humble so that He will be glorified in them. God is looking for a willing heart not someone with many gifts and talents although you can use these for the glory of God. God always looks at integrity and character instead of abilities.
v. 30-31 Jesus is our wisdom and deserves all the glory. He is to be praised and worshipped forevermore.
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