Joy in Three Dispensations of Time
We humans look at everything we see or experience through a particular set of lenses. In viewing experiences we use lenses that reflect the three dispensations of time. This is the way we relate to what we experience on a day by day basis. We use two of the three lenses on a continual rotating schedule. The first of these lenses is Linear Time that is experienced with a definite start and ending. The second lens we use is Vertical Time. The Bible explains this lens as being “as far as the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12 KJV) as there being no connection. The third lens that usually only God uses is Prophetic Time. This experience goes around in a circle repeating itself. Humankind can use this lens when prophetic glasses are properly worn. These glasses only can be obtained from God through prayer and supplication. We will be looking at these three examples of time dispensation using the biblical references to the phrases, joy, exceeding joy, and joy unspeakable.
In taking a brief look at these three dispensations of time as they relate to the emotion of joy we will further explain these lenses through three separate experiences of Joy in scripture. The first example is Joy. “And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full” (1 John 1:4 KJV).
The first example story in scripture is found in Mark 5:25-34. This passage relates the story of the woman who dares to bare all and dare all to receive a healing from Jesus. She had an issue of blood for 12 years. This meant she was ceremonially unclean; she was an outcast from her Temple, her family, and her friends.
She was in desperate need as she spent all her living. Many Physicians had seen her but the condition was getting even worse the scripture records. She had heard about this prophet and how he had healed many people of various diseases and infirmities. It was this type of desperation that drove this woman to risk banishment to approach Jesus in public. This was strictly against the culture of that day, but she persisted in her frustration anyway. She thought to herself, if I can only touch His garment I will be healed and still be hid from the crowd of people. In her frustration she reached out and touched His garment and immediately she was healed. She knew it right away. She was going to slip away in the crowd and quietly disappear into the crowd when Jesus stopped walking. Jesus being God knew healing power had left His body and he asked,” …Who touched my clothes” (Mark 5:30 KJV)? We see that her issue of blood had a beginning and an end. Her pain and suffering was linear in that it had been twelve years since the beginning and now it was over after meeting Jesus. Her Joy was now just beginning, it had a start. We also see that her Joy was full.
The second lens to explore is Vertical Time. In the reference scripture it is referred to as exceeding joy (Jude 1:24 KJV). The chosen example is in Judges 16: 23-31.
The Bible explains this lens “as far as the east is from the west”. In our story we read about Samson a Judge of Israel. He was the last of the Judges and he was a Nazarite as well. In our example Samson had lost his God-given human strength because of unrepented sin in his life he had because of lust and had an affair with a woman who was not his wife in contrary to God’s law. So now he was being made sport of by and for the amusement of the Philistine people. Samson asked God to restore him one more time and to look favorably on His humble servant. God granted his prayer of forgiveness. In his death he brought down the people of the oppressor of the chosen people of God. So in his death he was able to cast his oppressors as far as the east is from the west, the twain shall never meet. So we see that Samson was exceedingly joyful.
The third lens we will look at is Prophetic Time. Through this lens we see events going around in a circle. In 1Peter 1:8(KJV) we read it as”Joy Unspeakable.” In our example scripture Luke 11:1-45 we read the account of Jesus raising his friend Lazarus from the dead. In Jewish culture of that day the Jewish leaders would not believe that Lazarus was indeed dead unless he had been in the grave for at least 72 hours or 3 days. Just as in the Old Testament the Jewish leaders of their day only believed Jonah’s account because he had been in the belly of the whale or great fish for 3 days.
Jesus was told of Lazarus’s death and then confounded his disciples by taking a longer route to Lazarus’s home, but for a reason as previously mentioned. Jesus wanted to be sure to get the attention of the Jewish populace in such a way as to make the religious leaders of His day want to put Him to death. The events surrounding Lazarus had the affect Jesus wanted. So we see that although Lazarus cheated death once through his friend Jesus, Lazarus did indeed die again later in his life. The event went around in a circle.
To experience joy, exceeding joy, and joy unspeakable we must see them through the three lenses of time, linear time, vertical time, and prophetic time. To experience this joy you must know the way, the truth, and the life found in John 14:6. Jesus is the Way -without Him there is no going. Jesus is the Truth - without Him there is no knowing. Jesus is the life - without Him there is no growing.
In Jesus name,
Dr. William Kaberle

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