The statement started with this question.

Debbie Orrino May 7 at 4:45am
Hello Andrew,
I am one of the blind writers for Kipp Griffin & read your info tab. Question: You are Christiand & Independent Catholic. You also are a part of the Celtic Cross Ministry (which I don't understand). 2 questions. As an indep;endent catholic, do you still believe in praying to the multitude of statues & saints with different functions? Also, what is the Celtic Cross Ministry?

I am an evangelist, soon to be ordained minister, I am a missionary to Africa/Haiti & soon to be India, but primarily Africa. In fact, as of the 2nd week of July I will live there for 3-4 months building an orphange. I love casting out demons, I love counseling & prayer counseling, I love laying hands on the sick & praying with strangers for a miracles to be received & also for healings to take place, I just love ministering the Word of God from Gen-Rev. Why I clicked on your name I don't know. I was coming on fb to post & there you were. It is 4:41 & when I am awake at this hour, it is God ordained, not me. I'd rather be under the covers dreaming or having visions. But I do know one reason God has me up. I've read some of your wall & like what I've read thus far. So I'm just curious about the questions I've asked.

Have a blessed evening,
Debbie Orrino


Andrew R. M. Manley May 7 at 10:52am
Dear Sister Debbie, first I wish to say welcome and thank you for stopping by. Secondly, I will pray for God to keep you close to him and protect you in your ministry, it is a wonderful thing you are doing, and you are a credit to the international ministry.

As for your questions, I am a born-again Christian ever since 1986. Though I was raised by nun's in a Catholic convent, I have always be interested in what people believe in different forms of religion.

I started Celtic Cross Ministry to show some pride in the international Christian ministry and to my personal heritage. I still hold some traditions of the Catholic faith within my ministry, but I also can relate to most anyone in the world as to what they hold dear to their hearts in faith. I to, preach the salvation of Jesus Christ
daily around the world through the internet, and I have a fallowing of close to 1000, Christian Warriors in my Network.

On a personal note, and because of my up bringing, I do speak with the saints, but not to an idol, except the cross and a picture or two of Jesus. However, I will use whatever I can to help people understand the Holy Trinity and except Christ as their personal savior even if that item is Oh lets say a three or four leaf clover.

I believe that all peoples have there place in this world and so did the one before us and so will the ones after us, also have their place. Jesus, gave me several messages over the years that I am now just beginning to understand and put in to practice for his fellowship and ministry through Celtic Cross.

Jesus showed me a division within his church and the Christian faithful and He instilled into my heart a drive to expose and correct this flaw with in the body of Christ as well as in the clergy. He showed me that we all believe in Him but we resent the congregation next door or every where.

Christ, if He has said it once He has said it a thousand times, and that is a house divide can not stand, and His house is divided and it is the fault of the denominational organizations for not preaching the true examples and gospels of the word of God from the Holy bible.

It is this correction and of tolerance that Christ through me is correcting. And if folks will not listen and change their ways, than they will be doomed by His own remission to the instruction of His word. That one word was his "commandment", " LOVE one another". Which I see is not in the hearts of the "Christian of today" for there is only superficial love and not true love expressed in the way Christ meant it.

So now maybe you understand a little bit more of my ministry and what I seek to accomplish in his Holy name. It truly is a mission that many will reject because it is foreign to them for they are more worried about the number of parishioners than they are about their souls. The deception has to stop and I will fight the evil one where ever I find him, even if it is in the body of Christ.

Well again, welcome and I want to agree with you that Pappa (Christ Jesus), sent you to me. Most assuredly for this very reason. So God bless you and please stay in touch.

Rev.Dr.Andrew Manley Chaplain, also know as Gods peace have a wonderful and productive day.


Debbie Orrino May 7 at 10:39pm
I LOVE what I just read & would love to stay in touch. I am extremely tired at the moment as this day has been on FIRE for the Lord in sooooo many ways. I must get up early in the morning as I will be on the streets of Ft.Myers doing a childrens program, handing out food/clothes & more importantly the Word of God. But the area we go to is the drug infested areas. Our church has an 18 month rehab program with 93% success rate. Had a guy lay down his gun & drugs one time. He is totally rehabilitated. We have no fear but sometimes the cops do. But they love when they see us coming & ask us to come back. Anyway, I need to go to prayer & then sleep. But I would love to stay in touch with you, if you please. Have a blessed evening.....debbie "This heart IS God's instrument - This life IS God's song"... (i will send a friend request-good night)

This is by far NOT the only thing that Celtic Cross Ministry does, but it is a big part of it, that is to change minds and souls. Now you know the rest of the story...God Bless you for your time to read and understand CCM and my self, Thank you so very much and have a wonderful day...Rev.Dr. Andrew R. M. Manley Chaplain.......

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