A meditation and a prayer for all those in Pakistan and Kenya who suffered this week.

24 September, 2013 

"It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last". Luke 23:44-46

These famous words are usually only associated with Jesus when He was on the cross. In fact they were first spoken by King David. It was the truth that empowered David through the obstacle course of opposition on the way to Zion and his destiny. It is so powerful that it was among the last words spoken by Jesus when His broken body hung on the cross, moments before His final breath, darkness looming over the soul of the God-man as He who knew no sin became sin. Jesus felt the agony of separation from the Father. He knew that on the other side of the agony was the awesome promise that God would raise Him from the dead and enthrone Him over all created order. But before the fullness of the promise came to pass, He experienced the greatest pressure and opposition any man has faced. In that dark delay, He lifted His voice and cried out, "Into Your hands I commit My Spirit" (Luke 23:46, NKJV).

Jesus decided that this was the most appropriate heart response He could have while waiting for the light and promise to break forth.

When God gives a promise, we usually experience a time of darkness before He brings it to pass. We have a hard time seeing what season we're in or where it's all leading. It seems to be the hour of the impossible situation. 

This week we remember all those who died or suffered terrible injuries in the awful bombings and earthquake in Pakistan and the hijacking and shootings in Kenya and we pray for them and all their families. We also remember all those who are suffering in Syria and the many refugee camps around our world. We cannot possibly understand the trauma and pain of their experiences. For them it must seem impossible to see why or 'where it’s all leading'. It must seem the hour of 'the impossible situation'.

Dear friends.... our hearts go out to you. We love you and weep with you in your distress! We pray for you and your nations and cry out to the Lord to comfort you and bring His peace to you and to your nation.

Be assured of our prayers

God bless you all

Dr Howard Barnes

Founder and Co-director of Time Out Mission International




Father, we remember all those who have died or injured this week in the terrible tragedies. Comfort them and the families of those who died. Assure them of our love and more than that, in these times when there seems few answers to so many questions, assure them of your love.

Lord, if I am to face pain and opposition and death for my faith, remind me of the example Your Son gave as He felt the silence of His Father and the cruelty of man. Teach me to say, "Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit."

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