Dearly Beloved,


"Then the Lord said: 'I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you. Obey what I command you today'" (Exodus 34:10-11 NIV).

As the people of Israel were on their way out of the land of slavery to the Promised Land, they lost focus on God and sought after man-made god. Moses, their visible leader was then on the mountain with God. God wanted to destroy these rebellious people, but Moses interceded for them. God thereby decided to begin again with them by making a new covenant with them.

In the process of beginning again with the Israelites, God asked Moses to make new tablets for the Ten Commandments. Most especially, He promised to make a new covenant with them. In this new covenant, God promised to do wonders that He has never done before in any nation. He promised that other people that lived around them would see how awesome the work He would do for the Israelites would be.

Nevertheless, as good as this covenant was, it had a strict condition: obedience. The Lord was ready to drive out all the enemies before the Israelites, but they must obey Him in not making any treaty with the people. They must breakdown all the idols that the enemies worshiped and never attempt to worship them. The reason is that the LORD God is a jealous God.

Do you also want God to make a new covenant with you this year? Of course, God will indeed make a new covenant with you and do wonders in your life that people will see and rejoice with you. However, you have to obey God and be ready to serve Him only.

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

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