Consider Peter’s words to the crippled man of Acts 3: 6: ‘Silver or Gold I do not Have, but What I Have I Give You. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Rise up and walk.’  The Miracle Happened:  Peter ‘Gave’ and the man RECEIVED - ‘jumped to his feet and began to walk’ (v8).

Now relate it to yourself ‘You.’  You cannot be Peter; in fact You cannot be Someone else. You are You. You cannot Give what You do not Have. You cannot give a dollar you do not have.

God made You the Way You Are!  As His Child He has been training you, arranging all your circumstances and situations. He is Graciously Still Working In You and Through You and IS Out-Working His Good Pleasure Through You.  So it is important to realize that You don’t have to try or strive to be like Someone else.   You only have to simply yield to God’s Ways and be Led by Him Step by Step. Don’t try to go ahead of Him… all you need to do is to Follow Him & He Must  Always Be IN Front!  Jesus is your Model and your Example, so be pliable in His Hands for He is making You to be a  Fisher of Men as you Follow Him. God made You and Saved You to Submit to Him. So do not resist. Be yourself: just be ‘You’ to the Praise of His Glory where You Are and In What You Do. God has a Master Plan just for You and Where You are.  And He is Working it out IN You, so You must not  get in His Way. You can either Yield to God or Hinder His Outworking.  Do not hinder His Work & His Plan for you or You will be side-tracked.  Today God is Searching for Channels like You. Those who will learn Obedience the Way Jesus Learned – by being Fully Submitted to God’s Divine Plan.  Your Role is to not follow the pattern of Man/Men but to Always Follow GOD.    God is Training you to be a Follower, so He could Make you a Leader!  Obey His Specific Instructions so you need to Spend time With Him, Praising Him, Knowing His Will by studying His Word & Doing What He tells You to do.                                                Examine Yourself:     

1)  Are you in love with His Gifts more than with Him?
2) Are you in love with the Ministry more than with Him?
3) Are you following Your Ambitions more than His Plans for you
4) Are you permitting anything to distract you from Him?
5) Are you allowing Him to bring you to the place of being utterly abandoned to His Will?
6) Are you willing to be stripped of all You Hold Dear and still Follow Him and Count it a Privilege?

God desires you to be an Empty Vessel so He can Fill You and trust you not to make shipwreck of your life when the going gets tough. God looks at Your Heart Attitude towards Him, trusting in His Sovereignty will Surely bring to pass His Purposes in You and through You to others.  All Spiritual blessings IN Christ have already been bestowed on you. Do you know that you have them? If you can answer ‘Yes’ then You can Give to others What You Have.  In doing so You shall bring Glory to God and Extend His Kingdom by giving them What You Have!                                    What do you Have?                                                                                    The Power of the Holy Spirit and the Authority of the Wonderful Name of Jesus!                                  

Margaret Wright



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