Dearly Beloved,


"While Jesus was still speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. `Your daughter is dead,' they said. `Why bother the teacher any more?' Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, `Don't be afraid; just believe'" (Mark 5:35-36 NIV).

The story of the raising of Jairus' daughter from the dead as recorded by two of the Gospel writers (Mark 5 and Luke 8) is a fascinating one. Jesus had just crossed over the lake from where he was rejected because He healed a demon-possessed man when a large crowd of people gathered around Him. Among these people was a synagogue ruler who came to beg Jesus to come and heal his dying daughter. The man had faith that Jesus could rescue his daughter from the looming death. Jesus did not hesitate in following him to go and save the daughter. The other aimless crowd also followed them.

As they were going, there was an interruption: a woman with a flow of blood intercepted Jesus and received her healing from the twelve-year- long problem. The dialogue that followed made Jesus to wait more before He could go to where He intended to go and rescue the dying child.

Alas, as they were there discussing about the faith of the healed woman, somebody came from Jairus' house to disclose the sad news: the child had died. There was no need to bother Jesus. The news bearer reasoned. What would have been the reaction of Jairus? Probably, if there was no interruption, Jesus would have reached the house and rescued the child before she died. However, Jesus encouraged him to have faith.

In spite of the unbelief and ridicule of the people, Jesus still went to the house and raised the child from the dead. The seemingly interruption turned out to be a blessing both to the interrupting woman and Jairus.

Have you also called on God to do something for you? Does it seem that He is delaying in answering you? Do not lose hope! He is on His way. Who knows, He might have been "interrupted" by another person. However, the "interruption" will turn out to be a blessing for you. Probably you want God to rescue you from a small problem. He may allow it to become bigger, even without hope, before He acts, so that His name will be glorified. Remember Lazarus' story. Jesus deliberately waited for two more days to bring glory to God. Your "interruption" will also be a blessing to you, and glory to God. Just wait and believe.

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).


This message was first posted on June 12, 2005.

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