AWM Anger Management Recovery Program Session 2 Part 2B Mar 25, 2014

AWM Anger Management Recovery Program Agenda Session 2  -  Part 2B - Mar 25, 2014

1. Start session with prayer – ask Holy Spirit to give you understanding and give you inner healing


2. Study each part of session highlighted – this program as well as the other ones focus on healing of the spirit, soul, & body


3. Rap Up – write down any questions you may have and send them to me before the next part is sent to you on Tuesday April 1, 2014


4. Homework: complete any homework for this session and return to me before for next Tuesday April 1, 2014 

5. Close in Prayer – just pray what you feel in your heart



AWM Anger Management Recovery Program

Lesson: Session Two Part 2B - Mar 25, 2014 – Study This Part

Open in prayer – Pray what’s on your heart

Discussion Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger.


1. Summarize what we learned from Session One – Part 2A  - Mar 18, 2014

2. Define the Four Classes of Anger – Anger, Resentment, Rage & Fury, Wrath – Part 2B

3. Explain What Makes Us Angry – Part 2B  - For this week Mar 25, 2014

4. Learn Proper & Improper Ways to Respond to Anger – Part 2C - April 1, 2014

5. Have a Quiz on Anger – COMPLETE FIRST - Part 2C - April 1, 2014

During this Session, we are going to define anger and its causes:


Four Classes of Anger Defined:

Webster’s definition of Anger: 1) a feeling of extreme displeasure, hostility, indignation or exasperation toward someone or something; rage, wrath. 2) Trouble, pain, and affliction.


  1. Resentment – ill will and suppressed anger generated by a sense of grievance.


  2. Anger – a feeling of extreme displeasure, hostility, indignation or exasperation toward someone or something; rage, wrath. 2) Trouble, pain, and affliction (as stated above).


  3. Rage – closely related to the sense of intense, un-contained, explosive emotion. Rage appears to be more justified by circumstances. For example, when one feels indignation at seeing the mistreatment of someone or something dear and worthy.


  4. Fury – more destructive


  5. Wrath - fervid anger that seeks vengeance or punishment on a large scale.


What Makes Us Angry? – Part 2B (Continued)

  • Hurt (usually from the past) – childhood experiences – emotional, physical, sexual abuse, adolescence experiences (this is when satan really begin to play with your mind by feeding you lies about yourself and others), also, hurts can come from adult experiences such as job, marriage, and relationships.

  • Frustration (usually in the present) – examples:

       - Something does not go your way

       - You can’t do something you want to do when you want to do it

       - Can’t watch what you want on TV

       - You want to take a shower but there is no water

       - You want to be alone but people will not leave you alone

  • Fear or Anxiety – we feel threatened or anxious

           - Fear – you are threatened physically or emotionally. This can also be you are afraid  

             you will be made to look like a fool.

           - Anxiety – you anticipate a problem as if it had already happened. Anxiety is a 

             disturbed state of mind produced by real or imaginary fears. It is overcame by

             trusting in God (Ps 37:1-5 – read); prayer (Phil. 4:6); God’s care (1 Peter 5:6, 7).


 Click here for PDF version of teaching 

God bless,

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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