Greetings in the name of Jesus, glory be to our Father in heaven. Today I want to talk to you about its ok not have certain people in our lives. Many times we have these certain people in our lives that well makes feel not so good about life our about our walk with God. Some people in our lives no matter how much you help them when you ask for some help the answer what's in it for them. Or there are people that do nothing but cause drama in our lives. Always pulling us in to their drama. Now I am going to say this, we don't have to have those people in our lives. Yes it's ok to share with them the gospel but does that mean that we need to be pulled down in to their drama. No. Bad company corrupts good character. It's taken me a long time to realize this. Because I feel that everyone needs to know about Jesus, but I was forgetting about the fact they were not nice to me and always yelling and cussing and out right denying anything I wanted to say or had to say. I kept thinking when is enough enough. I prayed long and hard about this because I really believe in not giving up on people. The other day we talk about if they don't receive you then they don't receive Jesus. We need to shake the dust from our shoes and move forward. I had spent countless hours in the company of people that would not do anything to help themselves. I became their crutch. You can help some one sure nothing wrong with helping someone out. However you can help someone so much that your not helping them your hurting them. Instead of them going to God for what they need and seeing their faith rise in what he does. They come to us because they know we wont say no. We have to say no, we have to be at peace with this world in order to really hear what God is saying to us. There is an anointing in the word no. Some times we have to refocus and realize that some of the people in our lives were sent by the enemy to keep us from progress. You don't have be around them. If you want to help them then pray from afar and love them from afar. But don't let anyone bring you down. Don't go where your tolerated go where your celebrated. God bless I love you all.

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