"Being Set Free From the Bondage of Bitterness & Self-Bitterness!" S3 Part 3C - Armor of Bitterness

(Photo   reference:    http://vividlife.me/ultimate/41223/breaking-the-chain-of-pain/)

C.    Armor of Bitterness – Part 2CBitterness is a ruling spirit, a principality, because it has several lesser demons answering to it. These demons not only answer to bitterness, they give it protection and provides its armor are (each of satan’s principalities have lesser demons doing the same thing. The demons that make up the principality of bitterness are: unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation, anger, hatred, violence, and murder (see Illustration 1) – these are the powers which Ephesians 6:12 talks about. Now, let’s look at each part of the armor for the principality of bitterness separately:

1.     Unforgiveness Bitterness gains entrance to us through unforgiveness, the first piece of the armor surrounding bitterness. The accusing spirit whispers in our ear, "No, you're not going to forgive them; you don't need to forgive them." Remember I said accusing spirits keeps a record of wrongs; they remind you of everything someone has done to you. Accusing spirits rehashes, projects, and torments us with past negative events of what has happened to us. The strong man (the principality of bitterness), uses the accusing spirits to constantly accuse us. Unforgiveness is a smaller entity, a lower spirit. It's just the beginning.


2.     Resentment - After unforgiveness has done its work, the strong man sends out the spirit of resentment. Resentment builds on the foundation laid by unforgiveness. The record of wrong ferments and resentment begins to grow. Resentment generates a feeling of ill will toward a person who has wronged us. Resentment says, "I don't like Mary," or "I will never forgive Alex," or "I don’t trust my neighbors." Resentment constantly reminds us of past events, seeking to stir up negative sentiments that stew and ferment within us. Resentment adds fuel to the fire. Resentment and unforgiveness stem from thoughts. They find their homes in our memories.


3.     Retaliation - After unforgiveness and resentment have gained a foothold in our minds, the strong man (principality of bitterness) sends out the spirit of retaliation. Now it's time to get even. Have you ever seen a bumper sticker that said, "I don't forgive, I just get even?" The spirit of retaliation is much more dangerous than the spirits of unforgiveness and resentment. Retaliation's presence shows progressive demonization.


4. Anger - Unforgiveness first gains a foothold, and then resentment gains a foothold. Next, retaliation gains a foothold. Each of these manifests itself in ways that are progressively worse than the prior spirit. When retaliation wins its foothold, bitterness sends out anger and wrath. With anger, we have crossed a line. Anger gives the evil spirit a voice. Unforgiveness, resentment, and retaliation can be kept unspoken, eating away at a person's own spirit through self-deception. With anger, we have crossed a line. Anger gives the evil spirit a voice. Unforgiveness, resentment, and retaliation can be kept unspoken, eating away at a person's own spirit through self-deception.


5.Hatred - After anger and wrath have gained their foothold, hatred moves in. Bitterness gains fuel from unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation, and anger and wrath. Now hatred starts a process of elimination; it seeks to eliminate the other person. Retaliation ferments anger on behalf of bitternessAnger vocalizes bitterness, and next comes hatred to act out of bitterness. Hatred reveals your feelings toward an offender; it tells them that they don't belong in your world, and you absolutely hate their guts. Hatred provides the fuel for the next piece of armor for the principality of bitterness; violence.


6.   Violence - The sixth level of bitterness is violence. Violence is anger and hatred set into motion. Our emotions erupt into physical or sometimes hate-filled verbal attacks. At this point, we see pots and pans thrown across the room, wrenches fly and punches being thrown. Fights erupt. Physical, sexual and verbal abuse result.


7.     Murder The seventh and worst spirit in the principality of bitterness is murder. Cain slew Abel because of his bitterness; today, we hear of others murdering their children, spouses or friends in fits of rage. The spirit of murder includes more than taking someone's physical life. God's Word teaches how we can murder someone with our words. Murder starts in the heart, because the ultimate level of the spirit of bitterness is the elimination of someone's person-hood. 1 John 3:15 says, "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him."


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May the peace of God comfort you ALWAYS!!!


Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks



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