"Being Set Free From the Bondage of Bitterness & Self-Bitterness!" S7 Part 3A-3 - Recognize You Are Bitter! 2/17/15

(Photo reference: http://vividlife.me/ultimate/41223/breaking-the-chain-of-pain/)


A. Recognize you are bitter and decide to forgive – Part 3A-3: Mind/Body Connection:


*Third point of view – Scriptures: The Scriptures Dr. Mathias gave which prove the connection between disease and sin (unforgiveness) (remember, unforgiveness (sin) is the spiritual root of a disease). Unforgiveness is sin because when you do not forgive someone who offends you, you are disobeying what Jesus told you to do in Matthew  6:14-15. Jesus told us to forgive others their trespasses against us and God would forgive us; if not, we would not be forgiven by God!


Proverbs 4:23 – “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”


Proverbs 14:30 – “A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.”


Proverbs 16:24 – “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.”


Proverbs 17:22 – “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (biblegateway.com – KJV).


Our bones do not function properly when our spirit is broken and we speak negative words or negative words have been or are being spoken to us. Our bones produce the cells of our immune system; pleasant words are sweet to the soul and health to our bones. But, a broken spirit or negative words will destroy our immune system. Medicine agrees with Scripture: Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” We need to remember that our words have the power of life and death for not only ourselves but everyone around us; our action affects everyone close to us.


Another Scripture that shows proof of the mind/body connection is Matthew 9:26-732-  33 (biblegateway.com – NLT). In verse 2, Jesus did not say, “You are healed;” He did not pray for the man’s sickness (he was paralyzed) but Jesus told the man, “…Be encouraged my child! Your sins are forgiven.” This verse proves that sin causes sickness/disease to form in a person’s body. Never forget, unforgiveness is a sin and sin is the spiritual root of sickness/disease.


In verse 6 of Matthew 9, Jesus told the man, after he had forgave his sins, “…Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home.” And we see in verse 7, what happened: “And the man jumped up and went home.”After Jesus forgave the man who was paralyzed sins, his body was healed; he was not paralyzed any longer – his body was healed!


Verses 32-33 of Matthew 9 shows yet another connection between the mind/body. In  verse 32, Jesus encountered a demon possessed man who could not talk speak. Jesus cast out the demons and the man begin to speak; this shows the man was mute because of the demons (vs 33).


All through Matthew Chapter 9 we see people being healed and set free by Jesus and they had one thing in common; they all believed Jesus could heal them – they had faith in Him, in His abilities! Faith is the key to YOU being set free from not only the bondage of bitterness and self-bitterness, but from whatever other bondage you are in! You MUST believe Jesus can and will do what needs to be done in your life! Jesus will get to the root of your problems just as He did for the people in the Bible. Why not allow Jesus into your heart by accepting Him as your personal Lord and Savior, so He can clean you from the inside out? Jesus wants to deliver YOU from EVERY hidden thing that is stopping you from going forth; from hindering you of your purpose God has called you to!


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May the peace of God guard your hearts and minds ALWAYS!!


Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks


****Click to accept Christ as YOUR personal Lord & Savior****



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