It is very dangerous to be alone without being fully occupied in something positive , Also, nobody is an island to himself. No matter how important you think you are , or how highly placed you are, you still need the lowly placed individuals or subordinates to enable you get to your goal. The rich are richer today because they have the poor who work to make them rich. Without those poor persons, no rich person can be as rich as they are. In luke 10;1, the Lord sent His disciples out for evangelism two by two, showing that no human being is self-sufficient, only God is. You need your brother and you need your sisters. No matter the level of anointing you carry, you will still need someone to support you. In Exodus 17;8-13 , Aaron and Hur kept the hands of interceding Moses up, while Joshua was at the battle field. It was this combined effort that God blessed which led to victory over the Amalekites. To what extent have you recognized those that the Lord has given to you ?

Another example here is that of David. David was a mighty man of war. He had the know-how with respect to fight the battles . He was a powerful young man and was highly skilled , yet he needed his mighty me to be as strong as he was ( 2 samuel 23;8-29). You are as strong as your helpers. You are as knowledgeable as your helpers. Everyone God gives to you adds to your strength . This means that every helper you lose diminishes your strength . This is one reason you must treat your helpers with utmost care, love and concern. Some people may come to you originally in weak, impoverished or near helpless state. You will need to impact their lives . Once this is done, going by David's experience , they will become endeared to you,and deliver their support. Have you taken the time to nourish, instruct, teach, train, mentor or invest in those the Lord has brought your way ? How open are you interceding those that God sends to you ? Or do you think you can do it all alone ? If you receive and invest in them, at the right time , they will be there to hold your hands up. David raised his mighty men , build yours !

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