Call down Fire From Heaven

2 Chronicles 7:1 and 2 - Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house. And the priests could not enter into the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord's house.

When was the last time fire came down from heaven when you prayed? Really - when was the last time you got knocked off your feet by the presence of God? Or was your last moment with the Lord something like, "Lord, thank you for a good day. Please guide me tomorrow and may the traffic not be too hectic?" Or do you spend your time in gossiping about others.  

While it is great to bring to the Lord your every need and thought, when was the last time you prayed so deeply from your heart that the ground shook? When was the last time you felt the Lord move so mightily in your spirit that you felt lifted from this earth? I am not talking about a social meeting here with others, but rather your private time with the Father, where He shows you things for yourself and you tell Him such deep matters of the heart.

In the passage today Solomon had just prayed before the Lord in earnest, humbling himself before the Lord. In all his majesty and riches he groveled before the Lord, opening his heart in a very personal way. You become so used to normal everyday prayer times that you limit the Lord from showering fire from heaven. He has a great outpouring just for you and you need to stop long enough and get earnest enough for the Lord to give it to you! You need to seek it, you need to desire it, and you need to expect it.

I am not just talking about a once off experience here. I am talking about that fire coming down so strongly that it lasts, just like the priests could not walk on the ground because it was so saturated with the presence of the Lord. When was the last time people fell under the power when you walked past? When was the last time God was so alive in you that the very air buzzed around you as you walked; that people were influenced by the spirit in you, and that their lives were changed just by your being in the same room?

You think it is impossible? Tell that to Elisha, who was so filled with the Spirit of God that his dead bones brought a man back to life! Each of us has that awesome power within us. I challenge you today to take that power, to tap into your spirit and use the resources the Lord has given you. I encourage you to take that fire within you, fan it, encourage it and revel in it until it is an inferno that you pour upon others - changing their outlook, changing their hearts and changing their lives.

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