dear fellow co-labourers, greetings in the name of our lord!! we are excited about what god is doing at the columbus revival center, we are seeing a move of god in our church, we can;t wait to see what god doe;s next, we will soon be broadcasting our services via the internet, please pray for us as we undertake this new aspect of ministry, we are working toward this and hope to be broadcasting in a few weeks, also god is opening doors of ministry in the form of revivals i also evangelize, that is my first love in the ministry and we are seeing the lord show up and show out in these meetings, in the month of june i will be in the dallas tex area, our fist time there, if any of you are in that area we would love to get with you about this meeting, any pastors and churches we want you to be part of this crusade as we are beliving god for not a good meeting but a god meeting for the dallas area, my whole focus of ministry is calling gods people to revival, before there can be a revival of restoration there must first be a revival of repentance for judgement must first begin in the house of god, its time for the church as a whole to seek his face for a real move of his spirit, there has been to much playing and not enough praying in the church world i could go on as i get excited about the things of god, but i;ll close for now, please keep our church and ministry in your prayers, yours in him, pastor keith

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Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on February 1, 2010 at 12:29am
We will be praying for you Pastor Keith. God is moving throughout the body of Christ in a special way. We give Him Glory!!!!!!!!!! Amen.

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