“And it appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Heb. 9: 27


Every person in this life has an appointment with death and then be judged by our Lord Jesus Christ. However, to escape the judgment of God the person must be born-again before he dies, for Jesus Christ said, “Except a man is born again he shall not see the kingdom of God.” (John 3: 3)

Knowing these truths, after I was born again, I began to pray much for my unsaved family and wanted them to escape hell. They of course would not listen to me and in fact I was under much persecution from my father for being a born again Christian. Then the family migrated to Australia for many years and I was still in India and serving the Lord.

On Saturday, Jan.24th, 1981 at the end of the Gospel meeting in a home where I shared the Word of God, I said to the people if you forget everything I said, please remember these three truths -

“God cannot lie; God cannot fail; and

God never puts His people to shame that put their trust in Him.”


The next day I was in the midst of teaching Sunday School out on the grass when I got a message from Australia saying that my father had passed away. On hearing this news I was shocked and my mind went blank and I could not move to go and answer the phone. I did not know he was ill and, now I did not know where he has gone. I had prayed over and over again for him to be born again for many years and even fasted quite a few times praying for the family.

Then, I heard the Holy Spirit speak audibly to me while sitting there shocked –

“God cannot lie, God cannot fail, and

God never puts His people to shame that trust in Him.”

On hearing these three statements of truth, I came out of my shock and just knew in my Spirit that my Dad has gone to be with Jesus. There was joy and assurance in my heart and I was able to share and comfort my mother on the phone and also shared about this at the evening service.


The reason I knew my Dad has made it to glory was because the three truths stated were to do with God’s character and not based on my long prayers, or much tears, or fasting for his salvation. Jesus Christ paid the price for his salvation!  IS THIS NOT MARVELLOUS??

I do not know how my Dad accepted the Lord Jesus and His sacrifice before he departed this life, but this I know, my Dad is in glory because –





May we all learn to trust God’s promises more, than trying by many ways or works to make God do what He has already promised to do. We need to BELIEVE His Word of promise and trust Him!!

Please read Acts 16: 31 “And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved AND THY HOUSE.”


Margaret Wright


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