Greetings in the name of Jesus, I want to talk about how the word of God has been misrepresented by people. We have a hard time understanding the word. It's true, with that misunderstanding of the word the enemy knows whether you understand the bible or not. So he has his agents all over the place telling you what you want to hear. Mixing scripture with whatever you want to hear. Yesterday we talked about different cults. The enemy wants nothing but to confuse us and kill us. The enemy being satan. Ok so how do we keep ourselves from being deceived. The bible teaches us that if someone speaks not according to the word there is no light in them or truth as it were. So even when we go to church we must be paying close attention to what is being said. Take notes look it up later meditate on it let it sink in. I have had several messages where I didn't get the full meaning for years. That doesn't mean I pushed it off to the side and said I can't get it so I need to forget about it. No, means that maybe your not ready for that particular message or you need it explained in another way that you can. Anyone that tries to answer a bible question with the words I think or in my opinion, is not going to lead you to the word. They will give you there interpitation but not that of the bible. You cant answer biblical questions with out using the bible it doesn't work that away. We will get more into that some other time. But for now remember to read the word everyday pray, pray for everyone the saved the lost keep your eyes on Jesus, don't let anyone lead you to believe that they are the Christ. God bless I love you all

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