Dearly Beloved,


"Because this people has rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah..., therefore the Lord is about to bring against them the mighty floodwaters of the River...” (Isaiah 8:6-7a NIV).

The kingdoms of Israel and Aram were waging war against the kingdom of Judah (see Isaiah 7:1). The Lord sent Prophet Isaiah to the people of Judah to give them the opportunity of trusting in Him for victory. However, the people of Judah under the leadership of King Ahaz acted foolishly. They rejected their God and trusted in a seemingly powerful king of Assyria (see 2 Kings 16:7). The Lord prophesied through Isaiah that since they have rejected their God who is like “the gently flowing waters of Shiloah”, the “mighty flood of Assyria” that they trusted will indeed overflow their enemies, but it will also sweep on into Judah and overflow it as well (Isaiah 8:5-8). It would have been better to trust wholly in God. No wonder, the psalmist said, “Those who rush to other gods bring many troubles on themselves” (Psalm 16:4 TEV).

It is unfortunate that many people nowadays are like those foolish Jews. Like in Paul’s words, they “...claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles” (Romans 1:22-23 NIV). Some of them even claim that there is no God! Interestingly, these foolish people indirectly worship what is less than God and they are been tormented by their self-imposed “gods”. They only will not be ready to openly admit this.

In what ways are you also rejecting your God? Do you acknowledge Him in all your endeavours? Do you think you can succeed without Him? Do not reject your God. Trust wholly in Him, and you will testify to His goodness over your life in Jesus’ name. Amen. Jesus promises, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV).

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

Prayer Point: Pray that you will in no way reject God, but wholly trust in Him in all your endeavours.

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