Three great men were promoted to glory recently. 

One was a world famous man of God who left his cmfort zone
in rural Pennsylvania and went to the mean streets of New York, began a
ministry that revolutionized the treatment of people with addictions, former
gang members and former inmates. Through his ministry and his church millions
have been touched with his preaching, writing and witness for Christ. In this
age when there are so many “false prophets” David Wilkerson was truly a Man of
God, a Prophet to this nation and a blessing and gift to the Body of Christ.

Then there was another great man, who I knew personally but
never had the opportunity to meet face-to-face. This man was 32 years young,
vibrant, inspired, anointed. We connected through the fellowship of churches
and ministers I help to begin, and as leaders especially from oversees gathered
this man became a serious servant and worker of God. Taking simple instruction,
great faith and little resources he put together a national fellowship of
like-minded pastors and church leaders from all over Nigeria West Africa. They
began to work together saving souls, conducting healing meetings and other
evangelistic outreach services. He began a youth conference that year by year
increased with young people and children that a few years ago we stopped
counting. His influence, ministry, smile and character influence people all
over West Africa, as well as here in the United States and even as far as
Russia and Poland. David Amaji was truly a Man of God, a Servant of Christ, a
Friend, a Brother, a Bishop in the Lord’s Church.

The third man I write of is the hardest for me, for I knew
this one more personally than the others and knew him longer than them all.
Born into an obscure family in a small city in Pennsylvania he had no claim to
fame at all. He never was called to the ministry in any capacity greater or
further than that of a deacon. He never achieved any degrees in the religious
arts or for that manner in any other major or minor educational industries or
the like.

He never spoke in front of even a small crowd, and never
entered a prison, hospital, Bible study, church, etc to preach, teach or
anything like that.  He did however, over
the course of a school year in 1974, witnessed to one person almost every day
about what a joy it is to be a Christian and how good it was to go to church.

The school year that year in 1974 lasted from September to
June, some 9 to 10 months. For at least 3 days of every week for 9 to 10 months
this man spoke, talked, witnessed for Christ to this other guy who often blew
him off and really began to get quite annoyed with his talking about church all
the time. On the way home the last day of school, June 7, 1974 the guy who this
man was witnessing to all those days, weeks and months found a rain soaked
Bible tract laying on the ground, picked it up, took it home and when it dried
he read it…and believed!

The guy went onward to be baptized in 1975, called to the
ministry in 1978, began ministering in nursing homes, small churches, on the
street, in county jails, etc. He eventually became a Sunday school teacher,
then a Superintendant, a Minister, an Elder, an Associate and Assistant Pastor,
then a Pastor, Prison Chaplain, a Founding Pastor and now a Bishop. Many folks
have been saved and still are been saved, healed and delivered under his
ministry. He has established churches, planted churches, developed ministers,
ministries, pastors and other church leaders. That guy is the man he is today,
with a loving saved wife, a son who got saved under his ministry, a daughter
and grandchildren whose destiny is fixed…that guy wouldn’t have done any of
that, wouldn’t be where he is today if it were not for that great man he met
and who wouldn’t shut up all those years ago. The guy by now you know is me...the
great man, who if God is true and right, and if He keeps count and record, all
what I have, may have, will or ever accomplish, do or minister should be
credited to that great childhood best friend...William R. Piper, Jr.  

To say I was affected by the death of Bro. Wilkerson goes
without saying. Who shall pick up his “mantle”? Who shall take over his
ministry? Who can cry aloud unto this nation and unto this apostate church? And
what of the mantle and ministry of Bishop Amaji? Who shall guide his pastors?
Who shall reach the youth there in Nigeria and beyond? Who shall stand in the
gap and make up the breach? I was and I am affected by the death of these men,
but God will supply…He has a ram in the bush…there is another!

Affected by the death but glorious promotions of Wilkerson
and Amaji...yes; devastated by the death of Piper...why? Simply this, he was my “boy”, my “ace”. There is no one to replace him…and
yet I rejoice! He is in glory, with the Father and with Christ! He has made it,
graduated, promoted, glorified and immortal now! Death has no more sting, the
grave has no victory! I can hear him say...”work the work that He has sent for
you to do; while it is day…a night is coming where no man can work”.

My Brothers and Sisters…join me...let’s do the work...let’s make of the
breach, lets stand in the gap and if nothing else...let’s be a faithful
witness…one who won’t shut up!



“In Memory of
Deacon William Richard Piper, Jr.”































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