In this special EPR broadcast, Pastor Will Griffith draws from the Book of Micah and suggests the United States needs to embrace new concepts in foreign policy that relies less upon military might and more on the Word of God in dealing with geo-political issues. He cites inequality in the human condition as the primary cause of war in our age, and cites the following scriptural text for the foundation of this broadcast:

"He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." ~Micah 4:3

Pastor Will touches upon the lost opportunities to "lead with world" following 911 and how the opportunity for a new American foreign policy was squandered after the Cold War. He affirms the right of the United States and Israel to defend their national security interests and suggests it is time to begin looking at new formulas for our foreign policies.

In this 1/2 hour radio broadcast, Pastor Will illustrates that there is no difference in the Bush and Obama Administrations when it comes to the ready use of military options to address the War on Terrorism. He closes out the broadcast with a prayer for President Barack Obama and the United States Congress, and follows the teachings of Jesus Himself in praying for the sworn enemies of the United States, calling on God to intervene.


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