"Et Facta Est Lux"- And There was Light...Genesis 1:3

“Et Facta Est Lux”

And There was Light… Genesis 1:3

By, Minister Alonzoe' Thornton

Our Judaic-Christian biblical and theological heritage is at a crisis. This long lasting condition is not a cultural problem, it is an ecclesiastical problem that must come to a stop. Experts all agree that the Christian body in America is immersed in a crisis of biblical illiteracy.

Listed below are just some of the major info-sites that confirm this inner-corporal sin of the Body of Christ:

The Scandal of Biblical Illiteracy-It's Our Problem,by Albert Mohler


Literacy Crisis in America by, Barbara Miller


Crisis in America's Churches: Bible Knowledge at aa-time Low, by Michael Vlach


Causes of Biblical Illiteracy

· Study after study demonstrates how nearly everyone in our Nation owns a Bible (more than one) but few ever take time to read it, much less study it closely.

· The Bible continues to hold pride of place as “America’s favorite Unopened Text” (quote by David Gibson).

· People spend far less time reading at all in our culture, much less learning the life-long discipline of bible study.

· The general failing of the Church to transmit the Judaic-Christian heritage, customs and beliefs to the next generation.

· Christian churches have abandoned serious biblical exposition and theological teaching.

· The increase influence of subjectivity as opposed to objectivity on the part of the individual.

· Increased influence of unbiblical philosophies and worldviews on churchgoers. This is noted in [liberalism, existentialism and postmodernism].

The Negative impact of Biblical Illiteracy

  • Individuals are destroyed by the lack of knowledge-Hos.4: 1,6.
  • Individuals are weakened-the people faint-Amos 8:11-13.
  • Individuals are without direction or guidance in life- Ps. 119:105.
  • Individuals are without joy or peace in life-Ps. 119:111,165.
  • Churches, due to the lack of Teachers become feeble, existing in a state of depression and decreasing vitality-Hebrews 5:12.
  • Churches are led astray by false teachers and false doctrine-2 Peter 2:1-3.
  • Within our Culture and Communities, morality is skewed, where good is evil and evil is good-Isa. 5:20.
  • Morality is individualized, in that “everyone does what is right in his or her own eyes. Judges 21:25.

Solutions to Biblical Illiteracy

· For individuals: Daily devotional Bible reading in private-Psalms 1:1-3, 119:97-98.

· Join a weekly in-depth Bible study with others-Hebrew 3:12-14, 10:24-25.

· Parents accept the God-given command at spiritually training their children-Deut. 6:6-7, Eph.6: 4.

· Pastors must acknowledge that there is a crisis. Then evaluate what their member know and believe.

· Churches without Biblical literacy programs must implement them quickly.

Churches must recover the centrality and the most urgency of Biblical teaching and preaching. There must be a swift yet methodical return to the Teaching ministry within the Body of Christ.

At present, I am looking to partner with area Pastors in the Atlanta, Stone Mountain, Lilburn, Lawrencville, Duluth and surrounding areas with some unique Biblical methods toward the implimentation of a quality Biblical Literacy program within your Church and the surrounding community.

If your ministry or educational program is interested in the development of a Biblical literacy program, please feel free to contact:

National Bible College (Georgia Branch)

Minister Alonzoe’ Thornton, M.Div.

Branch Locator and Biblical Instructor

4045 Five Forks Trickum RD SW

Suite B-8, Box 211

Lilburn, GA 30047



Grace and Peace

Sharing the Light of The Messiah…until He Returns!

Views: 36


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Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on February 16, 2010 at 11:16pm
This is a very sad truth within the evangelical and spirit filled churches in America. Thank you for posting this Rev. Thorton. Since the beginning of my roots as a bible teacher I have always taught in an expository style teaching. I have a great idea for all teachers and preachers.......Preach and teach the Bible. You are correct, we have a theologically starving church. But I believe true exposition will again make its way back to the pulpit. The LORD bless you.
Comment by Christopher R. Dockrey on February 16, 2010 at 7:58pm
Rev. Thornton, I'm reading that second link right now. This really grabbed my attention:

Valch goes on to say that pastors have adopted a devotional, life-lesson
approach in preaching to the exclusion of serious Bible exposition.
Valch also adds that solid theological teaching has been ditched in the
education of the youth in favor of using texts as “springboards for devotional

I can see where this might create such a problem. I think there is value in practical application, but that doesn't mean there aren't consequences to the emphasis of it at the expense of simple biblical exposition. This has really got me thinking.
Comment by Christopher R. Dockrey on February 16, 2010 at 5:35pm
Thanks for posting this, Rev. Thornton. I suppose I am nominally aware of this, but I think my relative youth (I'm in my 30's) doesn't give me the breadth of perspective to personally be able chart this as a kind of crisis. I've heard others allude to this trend indirectly in their discussion of anti-intellectual sentiments within the Church, and it sounds entirely plausible to me. I'm definitely going to check out those links you posted. Thanks again.


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