Getting to The Root of Our Problem: Sickness - Session 15 - Parts D & D-1a & D-1b - 8-4-2017

III. Toxic Emotions: Self-Bitterness (Unloving Spirits) - Session 15 - Part D

Loving and forgiving yourself is just as important as loving and forgiving others; if you do not love yourself, you will abuse your own self. Jesus said in Mark 12:30-31:

30 "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these.'"

Self includes many modifiers:

  • Self-abandonment: disregarding; disregarding all self-interest.
  • Self-abasement: humiliation of one-self.
  • Self-absorbed: focusing on oneself to the exclusion or consideration of others.
  • Self-abuse: comes in many forms, i.e. obesity or anorexia; sleep deprivation or too much sleep; lack of exercise or pushing oneself to the brink; denial of normal sexuality (with spouse) or preoccupation with sex; calling yourself “stupid,” “fat,” “ugly,” “dumb” or other names that will demean and degrade yourself [you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” – Psalms 139:14].
  • Self-accusation: constantly finding fault with oneself.
  • Self-Hatred (Unloving Spirits): What is an unloving spirit? It's a spirit that attaches to us and attacks us, seeking to make us feel self-rejected, unclean and unworthy. It tells us that we don't measure up, that we are no good. Unloving spirits make us wretch at the sound of our own voice or the contents of our words: "everything I say is so stupid." When we look at ourselves in the mirror, unloving  spirits tell us, "You sure are ugly." As we watch others, we become sure that they hate our guts, because unloving spirits tell us that we can see it in their eyes.

To be set free from self-bitterness:

Make a list (using the “Self-Bitterness Affidavit”) of all the bitterness you have had in the past or have now against yourself. After you have written your list, pray the “Prayer of Release” (listed after the “Self-Bitterness Affidavit”) for each issue on your list; do not do a “blanket” prayer – praying each issue separate will cause you to face and deal with each issue one at a time.

You are praying to confess and repent before Almighty God for holding onto self-bitterness and believing it, instead of believing Him [God]. The stronghold that self-bitterness has held in your life will be destroyed.

III. Toxic Emotions: Self-Bitterness (Unloving Spirits) - Session 15 - Part D-1a

The Self-Bitterness Affidavit – Session 15 – Part D-1a

Make the list of all the bitterness you have against yourself. You need to confess and repent before Almighty God for holding onto this bitterness and believing it, instead of believing Him. The stronghold that bitterness has held in your life will be destroyed.Bitterness gains entrance into your life through unforgiveness. Once you get rid of self- bitterness then you will become free of all shame, guilt, self-condemnation, regret, sorrow and other negative emotions that has attached themselves to you through self-bitterness.

III. Toxic Emotions: Self-Bitterness (Unloving Spirits) - Session 15 - Part D-1b

Prayer Against Self-Bitterness – Session 15 – Part D-1b

Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, and as an act of my free will, I confess, repent, and renounce my (specific sin of self-bitterness). I ask You to forgive me for this sin. I purpose and choose to forgive myself for this (specific sin of self-bitterness) from my heart. I release myself from any guilt or shame because of this self-bitterness. In the name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, I cancel Satan’s authority over me because of the self-bitterness of (specific sin of self-bitterness). In the name of Jesus, I command this spirit of self- bitterness to go. Holy Spirit, I invite You into my heart to heal me of self- bitterness, in the name of Jesus, Amen! Listen for the Holy Spirit to speak and write down what He says so you can rebuke the self-bitterness spirit, when it tries to return! It does not matter how many times you have to pray but don’t allow self-bitterness to return! Click here for a complete teaching on “Principality of Self-Bitterness.”

Click here for PDF version of S15 PD & D-1a &1b 8-4-17

Click here for Healing Prayer for 8-4-17

God bless you all,

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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