God Has Delivered Me From The Lion And The Bear!

I tell you today as David told Saul in 1 Sam 17:34-37, God has delivered me from and given me the victory over the lion and the bear. Therefore, He definitely can give me the victory over every Goliath that comes in my face this year. Because I know the battle has already been fought and my victory has been won by Jesus who suffered before and on the cross, died, defeated death and hell, and rose again with ALL power in His hands over 2000 years ago. Jesus gave me that same power in Luke 10:19.

In will never again allow any uncircumcised thing to stand before me and win. I will never lose ground again to the enemy. When I pull my stake out the ground, it will not be to move backward but to move forward; taking ground from the enemy not allowing him to gain my ground God has already given me victory over. I will never relent to the enemy; no compromising, no retreat – this is to the end – I will, through the power of the Holy Ghost, cut the head off of every Goliath and every serpent that rise against me. Never again will I give space to the devil so he can get a foothold in my life and take my victory that Jesus paid for with His precious blood; no more, never again! I am keeping the victory Jesus died so that I could have; I will not take Jesus’ death lightly. He paid a great and painful price for my freedom and I am going to keep it. Just as He sacrifice His life to give me life, I will sacrifice my life to Him. I will no longer cling to my life but I am willing to let my life go, and live for God. I am also keeping my impartation that God used my Pastor, Gary L. Greer to impart in me last night during our Ministerial Licensing Program graduation. I received the Joseph’s Anointing. Now, I know more than I have ever known, God is with me and I am more confident of that more than ever. I know that just as God was with Joseph in his pits and palaces, He is with me in my pits and palaces.

We all have our pits, in one form or another, but we cannot stay in the pit, we must move on to the palace; God can’t get the glory out of our lives if we stay in the pit – the devil will get the glory. And I do not want to give the devil any glory for nothing so I am going to trust God in the pit as well as in the palace.

If you love the story of Joseph as I do and does not have a church home, come to Lisbon Church of God in the morning to our service; we begin at 9:30. Here is the address and link to get directions for Lisbon Church:

10509 Goose Prairie Rd, Leesburg, FL 34788, Office 352-787-8188


Pastor Greer began the message, “The Joseph Anointing” last night at our MLP graduation and New Year’s Eve service at Lake Receptions and I believe he will continue it in the morning’s service; it was a very powerful word from the Lord. Therefore, if you can come to the service but if you cannot, watch live on the internet; the link will be on FB or go to www.glgministries.ning.com.

Also last night, Cheryl Grayson gave a powerful word from the Lord; she might even be at our church in the morning.

And remember, no lion, tiger, bear, Goliath or anything else can stop you from obtaining your God given destiny; but you can. Therefore, make up in your mind now, that this year you will move forward in the things of God; seek to please Him throughout this year and you will never lose.

Happy New Year,


Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks


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