God is doing a new thing he is gathering all of his people together as one please watch this live broadcast you can also be on here no matter where you are

I am to gather all of Gods people and get everybody to pray in one accord with me it is ordered by Father God himself he has blessed me with his healing powers and he wants me to go out in the world and let it be known please watch my video it will really touch your lives it is on live television I will be holding a service soon where people can call in prayer requests live you will see how God worls through me I will go wherever God sends me in Jesus name I give God all of the glory the thanks and the praise
Hearts On Fire For God Worldwide Healing Ministries
We are going to be going all over the world and holding healing revivals and crusades
please feel free to join me everyone is welcome this is not my ministries it is Gods these are the last days and he wants us to gather all of his children as one and get us to pray in one accord to him this is not about me it is about God and how he is using me as one of his willing vessels I am not a wolf in sheeps clothing with God as my witness I just want people to see how God uses me and how God does his miracles through me and in me it is not I doing these miracles it is God himself I give God all of the Glory the thanks and the praise but for right now all I can do is tell you all about some of the miraculous testimonies and how God is using me as one of his willing vessels may God bless and heal you have faith and believe and see what the Lord will do all ask is that you tell the sick people to watch it you will not be the same it is not I doing the miracles it is God in me.
I am not God but he truly did choose me I am not better than anybody even does his miracles through me through the phone with God as my witness.
1-325-280-8051 if my 24 hr miracle prayer request hotline #
I just know it I have faith that moves mountains through Christ which strengthens me,this page is for us to talk about our ministries and I am letting you all know that we are bringing Gods word,love,and healing all over the world in Jesus name God is here with us and he wants to make his presence known.
God is moving in mighty ways the Holy Spirit is flowing like never before God has been doing miracles through me since I was 12 years old I will share alot of testimonies with you all just please bare with me at first the producer is walking me through it actually starts about 5 minutes in the show I will tell you all right now in front of God that when I talked to the indian lady I wasn't saved yet I was still in the world but God did make a big miracle happen out of it the only reason I am telling you this is because I am being judged and called bad names because of this but God told me not to worry about anything or anybody he is in control and he will take care of them for me the enemy knows his time is just about over so he is tring to stop me anyway he can but in the name of Jesus Christ he never will no weapon formed against me shall prosper I do as God leads me to do when he speaks to me I listen I love God and I love you one and I love you all he is going to bring all of his promises to pass I am no longer living in the world though I say let those who have not sinned cast the first stone I am not perfect only God is people will talk and judge but that is ok because with God as my witness this is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God..

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