God Is…I Am... Devotional (100 Days to A Renewed Mind) TBN - Days 67 & 68 - Apr 2 & Apr 3 2019

God Is…I Am… Devotional

Day 67 – 4/2/19: RENEWING TRUTH:

God is King Over All


On his robe and on his thigh, He has this name written:



God is King over all. He is the great and mighty Sovereign. He is God of gods and King of kings. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. He is King and Ruler over all.

This is your God. His throne is majestic and His glory astounding. A river of fire flows before Him. Thousands upon thousands attend to Him; ten thousand times ten thousand stand before Him. He is the Almighty. He is more glorious than you know and more beautiful than you can imagine. Before His throne is lightning, thunder, and angels. He reigns with magnificence. He has clothed Himself with majesty girded Himself with strength. Wonder and splendor surround Him all around. His throne is established from of old and He Himself is from everlasting. He is God.

The great Most High sits on His throne and reigns victoriously over all. Consider the beauty and majesty, ponder the and glory of your God. Remember the greatly Exalted One. His kingdom is everlasting, and His dominion endures through all generations. He is coming again. One day He will return to the earth.


We know what the end will be: the triumph of the Lord Jesus Christ!

                                                                                                                        -Billy Graham



God Is…I Am… Devotional

Day 68 – 4/3/19: RENEWING TRUTH:

I Am a Royal Ambassador


Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.




Imagine a good king who rules over a just and peaceful kingdom. Now imagine that the people in a key province of that kingdom rebelled against the king and declared their intention to break away from his rule. It is likely that the first thing that king would do is commission ambassadors to go to the people of that area and deliver a message to them.

These royal ambassadors would carry the insignia of the king and speak on his behalf with his authority. His ambassadors would implore those people to reconsider their decision. They would plead with anyone who would listen, to accept the king's gracious offer of reconciliation and forgiveness.

That rebellious province is our world, and you are Christ's royal ambassador in it. He commissioned you to represent Him and tell the people living in darkness of our King’s goodness and mercy. He has given you His authority and support to complete this task.   Your role as His ambassador is to go to the people around you and help them be reconciliation (see 2 Corinthians 5:18). Walk boldly in your authority. Let your life speak. There are many who have not yet heard of the King and many who still live in darkness.


God has chosen us to be His ambassadors (see 2 Corinthians 5:20), and we represent Him well when there is good fruit in our lives. It isn't enough just to have a Jesus sticker on our cars and a cross hanging around our necks displaying our Christianity-we must have the fruit to back it up.

                                                                                                                        -Joyce Meyer


Click here for PDF version of Days 67 & 68 - Apr 2 & Apr 3 ...

Click here for PDF version of Days 47 to 66 of previous Devotionals

Click here for PDF version of Days 1 to 46 of previous Devotionals

God's Servant,

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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