"Uniting Christian & Jewish Clergy from Around the World"
It is Testimony of the Word of God that He has raised up the Gentile Nations and made available to them the Gospel of the Kingdom which others have rejected because of unbelief.
Today, God has given a strange but just judgment upon the Christian church because of her lethargy, in that the church has allowed the forces of darkness to succeed with the methods of light while denying the actual and true SOURCE of Light and Life.
Many Christians have taken for granted the doctrines of the Bible which they accepted at the time of their conversion. They have literally failed to study the Bible and uphold it so as to show themselves approved unto God. We find many Christians who claim to be believers, failing to articulate why they have believed because of what they regard to be a frustrating and time-consuming task; studying the Word of Life.
The Clergy is largely at fault in this respect because they have completely shifted their focus from preparing souls for eternity but rather settle for an evangelic emphasis with very little doctrinal depth. The Clergy today, find it very difficult to preach or teach on the doctrine of the Trinity, the Deity,and the Humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, or the relationship of Grace and Faith to that of Works. We must for sure know that there must be something fundamentally wrong when important things such as these are being ignored or neglected.
This is why we see zealous Christians being easily taken away by the Cult Systems and convert them into strong believers of their doctrines. They(Cults) have all the time to inculcate and ground their followers into their doctrines.
The Christian church today has resorted to Prosperity Sermons which they find easier to win the minds of their followers with. The entire church scenario has changed into "You are blessed and you shall prosper" Sermons, thereby creating permanent spiritual immaturity amongst the flock in their churches. What many Christians know as their faith now is that they shall be blessed when they leave an offering on Sunday, and more blessed if they take a special seed to their Pastors. This syndrome has also reached villages where Servants of God are persistently urging members of their churches to sow a seed or they shall not be blessed. What type of moral decay is this that is seen in churches today?
Church morals have literally disappeared and what we are greeted with in the church is nudity and sarcasm in the name of modernity (unfortunately, God is not modern. He is an Ancient King, so He is in the Old). Wives to men of God are too modern to mind their dress code and their language, youths alike; Maid Servants are too modern to even talk about morals in church, Men Servants are too busy to see moral decay in churches, their focus is on "give and you shall be blessed". There is no difference between a church and a fashion parade or a social meeting. churches have become a playing field of vices such as promiscuity leading to HIV/AIDS. This has not spared Men and Women of God themselves. A sad thing indeed.
Money has become The Great Evil in the church and it has corrupted the minds of the Clergy who no longer have anything to do with the poor but the rich. God's Holy Tabernacle has sunk. No more heart for the needy, no more Love and Unity, no more Respect for the elders, no more decency. The concentration is on posh cars for the Clergy, big houses, enormous salaries for the called Servants of God. Whom are you serving? The Clergy are now "masters, not servants." They do not care about perishing souls anymore. They do not even have time for the new converts who need a lot of attention, but they instead greet them with prosperity messages whenever they run to their churches for strength and spiritual encouragement.
Everyone knows that money is needed by everybody because it is a medium of exchange even for believers but not as it is deceit in the church today. There is a God who can multiply the gifts given to Him by His people in such a way that miracles of provision for the Lord's Work can happen. The Bible warns us about the destructive power of the love of money in the strongest possible language (1Timothy 6:9-10). A church leader can be plunged into ruin and destruction by the love of money just like adultery. Beyond that, the testimony and witness of such a leader's church shall be totally destroyed. For the reader's information, God Has not exaggerated on the deadly power of the love for money. An oversight on this matter is what has collapsed the church. And yet the Clergy are very comfortable in their physical minds simply because what they are doing is what church A, B,and C is also doing. Brethren, it is not about who is doing a similar thing with you, but who is doing the right thing as stated in the Holy Book of Life.
Money has become a "god" in several churches though the leaders and followers of these churches have been spiritually blinded to see this evil. Money has the power to do great harm when used or received wrongly. Jesus Christ said a lot about money, both the danger of it and the possible blessing through money when it is used in a right way (2 Corinthians 9:6).
The man of God, Wilbur O'Donovan,Jnr, once stated that God blesses individuals and churches who give generously to the advancement of His Work.(not who are deceived or compelled to give). And when God blesses what they give, He makes it grow beyond their imagination no matter the condition of the economy they are living in because God is all-powerful and faithful. He is the God of the impossible. It is just up to His people to know the Truth and do his Will, and then to discover with amazement what God is able to do for them.
This however is not to say that God promises financial prosperity to His people if they just have faith. That is a false idea being taught in many churches today. And this is why members are trekking from church to church looking for a church where they can quickly meet their luck. It shall never work like that. The Apostle Paul said he knew what it was to be in need(Philippians 4:12). He said he had learned to be content with either a lot or a little. None of the Apostles of Christ Jesus died as Rich men.
What God does promise is to meet our basic needs. He taught us to pray for our "Daily Bread". The Bible warns that people who want to get rich especially over the Pulpit fall into temptation and a trap- that plunge men into ruin and destruction. We have physically seen this here on earth.
The so-called "Prosperity gospel" popular in most churches today is NOT real, not even biblical Christianity. Watch out you who have ears to hear for judgment time is near. Get delivered and be separated other than perishing because of selfish men and women(Hosea 4:6) Sowing a seed to a man of God is not a gate-way to eternity. Studying and Believing God's Word, and Keeping the Faith is the gate-way to eternity.
Joshua 1:8 "This book of the Law shall not depart from thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein. For then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.
2Timothy 4:2-4 "Preach the Word; be instant in season and out season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the Truth, and shall be turned unto fables".
Brethren let us Watch and Pray for the time has come for God's Promise to be Fulfilled.
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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.
We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.
© 2025 Created by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI. Powered by