“My life will never be the same” after the message Bishop Gary Greer taught this morning at my Church, Lisbon Church of God!! For those who were in the service or watching, I ask you this question, “Will your lives ever be the same?”


When we come into the presence of God, something in our lives should change; we should not leave the same way we came! There is no way we should come out of God’s presence the same way we went in! We should not continue to live the same way. NO WAY! When we truly get into God’s presence, it produces change. Sickness, infirmities, diseases, and everything else that’s plaguing us should fall off of us in God’s presence and should not get back on us because we walk continuously in a presence of God. Why? Because God’s presence produces change in our lives.


Being in God’s presence should not be taken lightly; it is an honor and privilege that He bestowed upon us because Jesus sacrificed Himself for us; Jesus paid the price for us to be able to go into the presence of God – we now can come boldly but respectful in God’s presence.


Coming into God’s presence should not be a ritual but an experience; one that you will never forget; each and every time that we come into God’s presence should be greater than the last – our experience should intensify more and more. Look at Moses: each time he went into God’s presence, he came out different; his whole countenance changed – his face glowed with the glory of God (Moses - Ex 34:29-35). Just as the people knew Moses had been in the presence of God, people around us should know we have been in the presence of God.


Let’s not go into God’s presence haphazardly but go in with thanksgiving and praises; worshipping Him for allowing us to be able to come into His presence without being destroyed – all because of Jesus.


Let’s go into God’s presence expecting God to meet us, to give us an experience even greater than the last time we went before Him; expecting Him to change us where we needs to be changed.


As Dr. Juanita Bynum says in her song “My Life” every time we put our lives in God’s presence, our lives change; they will never be the same. That’s what I want! I want my life to change every time I get into God’s presence. What about you?


In His Service,

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks


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