Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ: Hope all is going well with you by the grace of God. I am sadly informing you all that from 13 years I am handling this organization with too much efforts and with the little support of some friends but now things are too hard, yesterday we take our last saving from our bank to pay our staff on HDO become it is Dec 1st here today. and we need to pay all staff rents and extras, I can't handle it more I know. So we decide to close all system and services in January 2011, We both really cried in front of God and prayed. I cry many times a day brother, and I cannot see this organization and work stop forever. 7 people of staff will lose jobs and all of them are very poor and needy. right now 44 poor women s (Christian Muslim and disable)are taking skilled education from HDO. and many come to get free medical to our medical center, and many get blessed. every day I cannot see all this close forever. my heart really cries for it. but We no have any proper funding or any friend who support us every month just for admin cost.
I am really really sorry.
Please remember Me and HDO in your prayers. Strongly.

Regards, love and peace
Rashad Javed
Chairman: HDO PK
Ph:: 92 - 41 - 2011728
Fax: 92 - 41 - 8720287
Cell Chairman: 92 - 4843004
Skype rashad.javed
Yahoo Messenger ID

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