Healing Begins In Your Heart and In Your Home! Part 1

~ Healing Begins in Your Heart and Your Home! ~ Part 1


Elder DeBorrah K. Ogans 


“It is for FREEDOM that CHRIST has set us FREE. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened with a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5


Seven IF’s to healing your heart and home!


IF You really want healing to begin seek the LORD above ALL else. You cannot change what has been, but YOU CAN start afresh TODAY.


IF You want to start healing this next generation think about what you do and say in front of them. Apologize for what has been and help them get to a better place. It’s never too late to start anew.


IF You raised, or are raising your children by yelling, screaming and cussing at them guess what? They will probably do the same thing. They will seek to dominate and control others…


IF You hit them upside the head and slap them in the mouth; guess what? You are instilling anger within them. You are making them a slave to sin. This is not all appropriate or necessary. It is more a reflection of your lack of self-control than their behavior. 


IF You are beating them to death; guess what? You are really, actually beating the natural life out of them. You are replacing it will stress, anger, hate, insecurity, and rage. You are actually shutting them down and causing them to become violent and pushing them towards seeking physical hitting and abusive ways that create even more inner conflict.  This further serves to give them poor coping skills  which makes them feel unloved.  It sets up an inner  unhealthy emotional environment that welcomes addictions and very little self control.   To name a few; Addiction, Alcohol, Drugs, Overeating, Undereating, Promiscuity, Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication, Unfaithfulness, Stealing, Lying, Fighting and Violence. These  are just a few of the results… Their way of being  is now obsessing  and learning to dominate and control rather than exercise Self-Control and become FREE!


IF You are calling them out of their name, talking bad about everyone else and constantly  putting them down: guess what? You are helping them have an identity crisis as well as low  self-esteem… They will see themselves as you express yourself to them. They will have poor opinions of others as well. They also will feel  lesser than,  rather than equal too. Children are NOT your slaves  or possessions and should not be treated as so regardless of race, creed or color… Teach them respect by being respectful...

The Good News is;

You can become FREE! You can begin to heal your heart and home!


IF You have done none of the above; guess what? There is still room for self improvement.  As long as the Lord has us on this side of heaven it is to grow in His Grace. God really can help you build and establish a healthy, loving,  safe, balanced as well as fun secure  living environment.  A place for all to grow and flourish. But, you just have to be willing to put in the time and effort. Always invite the presence of the Lord all around you.  Your home enviroment will be whatever you make it.  When  you are truly  willing to make some changes there are unlimited possibilities… Get busy!


Christ Jesus overcame, sin, death and the grave so we could live better well-rounded lives. True success is inclusive of obeying God and daily embracing His principles. 

Know God and His Word for yourself. God really does have a purpose and plan for each of our lives. But it is your choice to daily seek him above the ways of this world.  “DRAW NIGH TO GOD AND HE WILL DRAW NIGH TO YOU!”

There IS ALWAYS HOPE in the LORD! Together you can move  forward towards healing.  You really can be healed, delivered, restored and set FREE!

“Greater IS HE that is within you than he that is in the world…”


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Comment by Bishop Maxwell Agyei on March 6, 2022 at 11:18am
Powerful message

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