How to Understand, Respond, and Act on Revelation!

Get Rid of the Chaos!

Chaos often means that there is lack of order. Order lacks chaos. Most confusion, delays, time management issues are stimulus to lack of order. If you are living a chaotic life, in most cases, you are lacking order. This is most often the reason Christian Leaders fail to act on Kingdom change. This also stop Christian Leaders from experiencing the revelation that God has for us to take understanding, respond to, act out revelation here in the now on earth.

So you can stop blaming your congregation, children, spouse, and other pastors for the defect that is occurring, and step back to discover why the chaos exist.

Could it be that you have failed to put order into the madness.

Here are five simple and easy steps for you to experience victory over chaos.

1. Discover what is causing the chaos.

Discovery will play a major role in defining the areas of your life the seems to be in turmoil. The scriptures in the Holy Bible clearly tells us to examine ourselves. It is also important to examine everything around us that is hindering our progression in destiny and purpose. Looking at our own chaos dimensionally. is crucial to overcoming cyclical events in our lives.

Once you actually "stop" and take time to seek God for revelation on what is hindering your progress, you will begin to flow in a more positive direction with vision and clarity.

Consider what is already in order in your life.

Think seriously about what is out of order.

Think about ways you can strategically align your perfect year, month, week, and day.

Decide what are your biggest and smallest obstacles in life. This takes time but in the long run you will find that it will be very valuable.

2. Categorize and prioritize revelation details and mandates to achieve.

Categorizing your daily task and activities can help you to visualize and manage your day effectively. You will also need to look for into the future to establish clear time lines of goals you will need or want to achieve.

Increasing order manually or using automated tools such as a Google calendar will help you to establish a threshold of accountability to finish what you have started.

Establishing priorities will give you an urgency to succeed in each goal.

3. Set order to your God-given destiny and purpose

You will find it more of importance to complete your destiny and purpose with order when you are doing it for the "good of God". You will need to remain in constant communication with God to discern the season and appointed time for His divine visitation in your journey. For example, the "Latter Rains" has an appointed season and time, according to the Holy Bible, "there was an appointed time for the Israelite's to no longer be in bondage in Egypt". What is your appointed time. Once you know you can set order and move forward according to God's will for your life.

4. Eliminate unnecessary task.

Unnecessary task are also considered as distractions that can be transposed through agents. For instance, a friend you have not seen in a long time drops by at the time you are suppose to be accomplishing a goal. You have to make up your mind to be determined to fulfill your destiny and purpose God has ordained for you.

However, if it is unavoidable, think about ways you can get yourself back on course by amending your schedule accordingly. Also, never allow unforeseeable events to become a disruptive habit that does not allow you to maximize your potential in acting out your opportunity to fulfill God's will.

5. Establish clear and precise limitations.

Boundaries and limitation will help you to restrict forces of the known and unknown. Once you have identified what is causing the chaos there is a serious need to not allow circumstances to delay or stagnate you destiny and purpose. For instance, you are planning on working on your God-given revelation that will change to future drinking supply for Christian generation 25 years into the future. Think about ways you can establish boundaries and limitations to local laws, environmental issues, catastrophic events, etc. that may hinder your progress.

To learn more about how you can experience impact in Christian Leadership, read: "The Master's Touch: Experiencing Impact in Christian Leadership" designed for Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, and Teachers desiring growth in Christian development for a Kingdom of God perspective.

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