"Importance of Forgiveness" Recovery Program June 28, 2020! Session 2 - Parts 1B, 1B-1 &1B-2

"Importance of Forgiveness" Program Agenda – Session 2 June 28, 2020

1. Open each session with prayer; asking God to open your understanding as to the areas in your life, which needs to be healed, and give you understanding of each session. The goal of each session is to help you to heal everywhere you need to be healed so you can become whole.

2. Discussion (30 min):

“Importance of Forgiveness”- Part IB

*Program Overview Recap – Part 1A: The “Important of Forgiveness Recovery Program” (IFRP) is a 7-week program, designed to help people get rid of toxic emotions, from the effects of traumatic events (past or present) such as unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, resentment, rejection, - this will be accomplished with the truth of God’s Word. Once the toxic emotions are gone, then you will be able to recover, move forward with your life, and be who God called you to be.

*Satan’s Major Strongholds (Principalities & Powers) – Part 1B:

o Describe What They AreEphesians 6:12 says: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (www.biblegateway.com NKJV).

Satan’s major strongholds (weapons) are: bitterness (unforgiveness), self- bitterness, jealousy and envy, rejection, fear, unbelief and the occult; and he takes these strongholds and builds principalities, using millions of demons (powers) to do his evil work for him. That’s why it may seem like he is everywhere at the same time, but he is not – he is not omnipresence – only God is; satan is not greater than his Creator, which is God. Each principality is made up of so many demons, as you will see, and all these spirits work together. We must know who we are really fighting against; we are not fighting against the flesh and blood person who hurts us, but against “principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Knowing who you are fighting against makes forgiveness easier to do; it will cause you to be able to instantly forgive someone, when they hurt you. Also, it will cause you to know, it is not the person who hurt you, but the spirit behind the person to blame.

Click Here for PDF Version of S2 Part 1B to 1B-2

May God give you the strength you need for your journey!

God's Blessings,

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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NOTE: These materials are copyright protected therefore you must request permission to reproduce any part of this material. To request permission, please contact Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks: drdehooks@abusedwoman.org and Dr. Art Mathias: https://akwellspring.com/contact-us/

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