Increasing Awareness of Jesus Christ to a Changing Generation

By Donna Wortham, CEO, Christian Life Coach, Pastor

The basic human needs of the youth are very much so different than that of adults that are 35 to 45 years old. This has brought on an increasing need for understanding the fundamental aspects of their human nature. Each value, belief, culture, and customs differ from country to country, society to society, but all youth have similar Christian needs.

This is relevant to the Christian population now than ever before, especially when Christianity is being scrutinized, and the Leadership is becoming the preferred method of Kingdom empowering the populations globally.

Leaders require more intense understanding and teaching revelation to reach to the youth of today.

Here are five steps to relate and understand the needs of youth in a global environment.


Understand the basic needs of each individual from a physical, soul and spiritual perspective.


Every basic human physical need is food, water, sleep, and body (flesh) sustainability.


Soul needs include a balance of justice, love, goodness, beauty, order, unity, tranquility, etc. in our daily Christian life.


Spiritual needs are the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the Holy Bible as well as our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

When these basic needs are not met, an individual will strive to make up the deficiency with other things (outlets). Each type of need affect another need. A need higher in than another need will motivate the behavior of an individual when a lower need is not satisfied. Therefore the lower need and the higher needs must be satisfied in an individual before a person can begin to progress in their spiritual fulfilment as a Christian.


Seek the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding of God instead of the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of this world.

As Christians we know that the more we learn the more we are equipped and sustained in the Kingdom of God.

Youth of today are not concerned about ages, titles, positions, and statuses. They grew up in a world that promoted equality and have a perception that each person is equal in society regardless if they are a stately being or bare the title of a Pastor.

It is only when they visualize or hear that an individual is providing them with a spiritual knowledge that is greater than their awareness that they will accept that the person has something worth seeing or listening to.
Youth should not be underestimated. More youth are learning the Holy Bible by reading it themselves that you may think. The only may need additional guidance and direction on how to utilize what they have learned, empowerment, and equipping.


Consider the motivating or satisfying factor that will enlighten and capture the mind, spirit and soul of the youth you are attending to.

Youth of today are achievers. They like to quickly advance in all that they do with benchmarks that can be met. They like to be capable of growing and maximizing their potential. Youth like to be promoted with having responsibility. Most youth like to be challenged. It is very visible that there is a growing optimism for security. Some youth are creative and like to release their imagination to invent, maximize potential, and use their abilities to solve problems.


Be prepared and strategic in your approach when you are communicating and interacting with youth. This means that you will need to spend time thinking and planning to inspire youth and take the necessary appropriate actions with them individually and as a group. This will encourage the youth to be ready for their future Christian life. Keep in mind you are doing this for Jesus Christ, so it is important to be prayerful and listen to the voice of God when you are interacting with them.

Plan well ahead into the future. Seek God diligently for future insight and direction. Study and consider developing lesson plans or obtaining lesson plans that will fit the goal of preparing and sustaining them in the Kingdom of God.
God will provide you with revelation along the way.


Establish relationships with the youth and their families. Your goal is to accomplish change and make a difference in the Kingdom of God for the benefit of the common good.

You will need to gain the trust of the youth in a world that to them cannot be trusted. Be truthful with them. Include all of the youth in your activities and planning so that you bring agreement in the environment. This enhances the responsibility of each member of the body to work toward a common mission of reaching out to a lost world. It will also help them to understand their own gifts and talents to be used in the Kingdom of God.

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