After more than two thousand years since Christ died and rose again, it’s imperative we travel as God’s people beyond the religion of Easter (the activities, ceremonies and rituals which characterize this season) into the glory, power and wisdom of this season. We can’t afford to dwell any longer at the outer court of revelation on this whole mystery; it’s time we access the Holy of Holiest for the hidden manna on Easter. That’s my priority for writing this article.

I am sick and tired of the religion I see today all over the world; in fact, Christ did not come to make us religious but to bring us into fellow-ship with the father through him! Fellow-ship is a compound word; in it we have fellow and ship! Who are fellows? Fellows are individuals who share a lot in common. Ship is a sea vehicle which transports people from one end to the other. We are saved to be entwined into the Godhead, to share everything that God has with his son Jesus Christ. Indeed, we are supposed to be ‘board members’ in the order of the trinity, sharing in the light and life of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We are redeemed to be metamorphosed, transported and translated into a higher order. This is not religion but revolution rooted in Christ!

We have entered into a season when the tabernacle of God will dwell with men, and mortal men, redeem by the blood of the lamb, will gain access into mysteries which have been hidden from all other generations but made known to God’s Holy Apostles and prophets for the church in this dispensation. Are you ready for a revolution or you are satisfied with religious activities and empty ritualistic ceremonies which have today become the heart and soul of the Church in several quarters? The choice is yours; you can choose to dwell at the outer court or you can take advantage of what Christ did for us all, to gain undeniable access into the Holy of Holiest were you can share in the secrets of the kingdom and tap into the powers of the world to come.

This whole redemption issue is bigger than you just making it safe to heaven after years of empty, baseless and senseless pursuit of God in Church activities, rituals and ceremonies. It’s all about you taping into eternity in time, accessing the supernatural while still living in the natural world, living heavenly on earthly places and manifesting the Kingdom, Glory, Power and Wisdom of the King of kings. This will require something more than just empty church excitement; it will demand for what David craved for in the Psalms. 

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where [is] thy God? (Ps 42:1-3)

A deep longing for God will inevitably call for the deep of God to be made known. The Christianity today of going to Church to seek for warfare can’t take us anywhere but will leave us crippled, blind and naked. I encourage you to run away from Babylon; you might be wondering what Babylon is all about? Babylon is simply the present religious system which is spread across the world, completely out of touch with the heart and soul of God’s kingdom revelation. Babylon is simply gathering people for its own purpose and not for God’s kingdom purpose. Run! Run! Run! Run! Run from Babylon.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of Babylon, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Rev 18:4

So much to say! Watch out for the continuation of this message; “INSIDE OF GENSEMENE

God bless you

Dr Etta

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