Is Their Marriage Acceptable In God's Eyes ?

Let’s talk today about forgiveness for a moment. In 2 Cor. 5:17 (NIV) we read -“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” -how many of us Christians truly understand the meaning of this scripture, and believe it? Does it mean exactly what it says? Could in fact this scripture be telling us that no matter what we did in the past, upon receiving Christ into our lives and receiving forgiveness; each and every sin committed is erased from the slate of God? That we, at that time, become new in the eyes of our God. How is it then, we as Christians find it so hard to do the same? Why is it that we as the ‘Church” cannot let go of, what God has declared as gone already?

I ask this question due to a conversation I had the other day. It concerned the marriage of a couple that had been previously married in the past and wanted to remarry. The issue came when their local minister stated that he could not perform the ceremony due to their past divorces. The couple stated that they were not Christians in the past and that they had just recently asked Christ into their lives and received forgiveness for those sins. Hearing this, the minister still claimed he could not perform the marriage. I pose this thought. If indeed this couple at the time of their “sin”, didn’t know Christ. But now currently did. Wouldn’t the marriage, according to the above scripture, be seen by God as a “new’ marriage and acceptable in his eyes? I believe the answer would be yes, he would.

Wouldn’t the forgiveness of Christ be even available to individuals that had at even at one time known Christ and simply fell away? Upon coming back to Christ, wouldn’t they be fully accepted in the arms of our savior and seen again, as new creations? I say, yes again. So why did this minister state he couldn’t perform the marriage? If the Bible clearly stated that they were new creations and that the old was gone, why could this minister not see their request as acceptable? Note: I do understand what Jesus said about marriage and divorce, but wouldn’t the blood of Jesus Christ cover even the sin that was created by a non-biblical divorce?

I believe the problem lies in the non-ability of many Christians to flow in the spirit, and to see things as Christ would see them. Though well intended and sincere, the lack of spiritual revelation of scripture can cause a pharisaical attitude if not careful. Christians, believe in grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love. We do so because that was the character of Christ and what he proclaimed the most. He taught us how to forgive and that forgiveness was not only a one time deal. In Matthew 18:21-22(KJV) we read -Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven.

Through Christ we understand that people will make mistakes and as children, they will at times, even fall. Jesus taught us to encourage and to uplift those seeking truth no matter our personal feelings. He taught us that, though at times we may judge the sin, we will never judge the person. He taught us that through his sacrifice, people are cleansed of their sin and we are to remove it from our minds as he has his records. I look to create disciples for Christ, to marry those in love, to teach those willing to be taught. To try to see the good in all people while working to instill the laws of God not on paper, but in the very hearts of those sincere enough to step forward. Simply stating you are forgiven… Go, and sin no more.


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