"Uniting Christian & Jewish Clergy from Around the World"
John 19: 30
The words IT IS FINISHED were the last words spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ before giving up His Spirit in death!
The scene was at Calvary where Jesus Christ was being crucified publicly. He was hanging on the cross between heaven and earth.
Jesus, the Son of God having been born of Virgin Mary (without sin) and having lived without sin was being crucified amongst common criminals being falsely accused.
John the Baptist earlier had referred to Him as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!
The Sinless One taking the place of the every sinner and giving His Life’s blood as the sacrificial Lamb of God in accordance with the plan of God!
At that time no one had any idea of what He was doing on the cross and what those last words meant!
To Jesus Christ – it came out of extreme suffering, for a crown of thorns was placed on His Head, His back was bleeding from the 39 stripes laid upon Him. His back was made like furrows in a field. He was spat upon and His beard was plucked and He was mocked and despised by the crowd. He was extremely tired for He had to carry His cross on His bleeding back and walk through the streets and He was thirsty. In spite of His agony He prayed to His Father to forgive the people for their deeds for they do not know what they were doing. He was being watched as He suffered, being deserted, for no one could get to Him for fear of the Romans.
His blood was running down and when the soldier pierced His side blood and water flowed down.
Satan did not realize that his dominion over man was doomed! More than just the physical suffering, He had fulfilled the plan of God to put sin away by His own sacrifice. The temple veil was torn from top to bottom and man could now come into the Holy of Holies through the blood He shed to put away sin! Hallelujah!. When Jesus Christ arose from the dead He left a defeated Satan having stripped him of his authority over man and took the keys of death and hell from him! Hallelujah!
Man was now justified before God and could have fellowship with God again! Hallelujah!
What do those words IT IS FINISHED mean to us in this generation – you and me?
Those words are words of victory though the disciples did not know it at that time. IT IS FINISHED! -
The penalty for sin has been paid by our SINLESS SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST!
Jesus the Lamb of God paid the full price for the redemption of mankind and sealed it with His precious, holy blood! Hebrews 9: 26 & John 1: 29
Our sins have been remitted Romans 18-22 & sins Revelation 1: 5
God’s love for men has been manifested through the total obedience of Jesus Christ to endure pain, the mocking, suffering even to the crucifixion on the cross and being buried in a borrowed grave.
Then, HALLELUJAH! on the third day God raised Him from the dead to justify mankind and legally grant remission of sins, healing, deliverance from all the works of the devil. Eternal EEternal life and a relationship as sons and daughters into God’s family forever is possible to whoever will repent and believe and follow JESUS CHRIST!
Sin separates God and man as stated in Isaiah 59: 1.
Every man is born in sin and is under the dominion of the devil in the kingdom of darkness and a slave to sin and vices and therefore is under condemnation to eternal punishment. BUT those words IT IS FINISHED were to become words of emancipation proclamation of the Gospel preached to whoever believes!
We who were born in sin decided to come out of sin and darkness and believe the message and to follow Jesus Christ. The dominion of the devil is broken over us and we could receive eternal life and become the children of God by the Holy Ghost.
If you are a believer there is no condemnation to you. Rom. 8: 1 You are born of God and dead to sin and alive unto God. Romans 6 becomes a reality.
You are His witness and live for HIM
What a privilege it is to know God as our Father through Jesus Christ, to love HIM and serve HIM!
Margaret Wright
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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.
We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.
© 2025 Created by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI.
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