When there is heavenly transformation then there will be earthly transformation. When a man hates progress, he will not make progress.

Stop paying attention to your mockers focus your mind on your maker. When an idea comes from above , it keep you above .

Many people have died because they keep regretting their yesterday. Any man that is going up must expect a set up. When you are marching to the future there are some friendship that will be put aside , When your destiny is tampered with you will be destroyed. When you are denounced, you cannot be announced.

A man need  revelation to affect his generation . No man can determine how far you will go in life except you .You are not redeemed to be reduced, everything that reduced you life will give way now by the  blood, in Jesus name. Every heavenly introduction makes a man great.

Some mountains will not fall unless they are bombarded with the artillery of prayer and fasting.  The weapon of prayer and fasting have been known to do wonders when other methods have failed. In addition , some break-through s are   impossible unless there is regular, consistent, concerted , constant bombardment of prayers.

The prayer point for this season  program me have been specially  vomited by the Holy Ghost to bring salvation, deliverance  of the Spirit  , Soul and Body to God's people . Pray them   with determination, pray them with aggression , pray them with violent faith , pray them with great expectation and your life will never remain the same.

                                                                         PRAYER POINTS

Ecc. 10: 4 -8   and 1 thess. 3 :16  . Every error in your life and ministry shall give way in Jesus name

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